Top NEET & JEE Coaching Centre in Maharashtra

What to Expect from Best Biology Coaching Classes

If you are keep to appear for the NEET medical exam biology is one of the subjects that you need to prepare for really well. While subjects like Physics and Chemistry can be studied by using theorems, logic and understanding of the basic principles the study method of biology is slightly more complicated. You have to train your mind to absorb a lot of information in a short duration of time and at the same time have the ability to bring forth the information as and when required. For this reason joining a biology coaching class near me is of the utmost importance for those who want to top the examinations.

The Best Biology Coaching Classes

1. Upto Date Information
The syllabus of the medical examinations keeps changing from year to year. By joining a biology coaching class you will have privileged knowledge of what is the latest chapter and topics within biology that you should be focusing on. Additionally, the biology coaching class will also provide you with the latest information that is relevant for the exam you want to appear for.

2. Detailed Study
By studying exams patterns over the last few years the best biology coaching classes near me have been able to find the percentage given to each topic per subject. Gone are the days when you have to learn the entire book from front to end. If you really want to ace the medical entrance exams like NEET you have to be smart about your studying and the analysis done by the biology coaching classes helps you do exactly that. They let you focus on topics in biology that carry the most weightage while informing you about information which is good to know but not as relevant to your exams.

3. Access To The Latest Study Material
When you join the best biology coaching classes in Nanded you also get access to the best study material for your particular subject. When a new edition of a book comes out it carries the latest information about the subject which is more relevant than its previous editions. You should only want to study what is relevant to scoring well in the medical entrance test. The rest of your knowledge will obviously follow as you join the undergraduate medical course of your choice.

4. Faculty Experience and Assessment
Another advantage of joining a biology coaching class is to have the best faculty for that subject teach you the necessary skills required to pass the NEET exam. Studying for NEET is not only about mugging up all the information that are on the pages of the textbook but also how to deal with certain trick situations that you may be put into. Handling pressure situations is one of the key assets taught to you. Also, the assessment done after each exam lets you know where you stand in your progress for qualifying which in-turn can help you decide how much more effort is required.


If you are looking for the best biology coaching classes in all India then IIB is the choice institute for you. They have had several national rank holders pass out from their institute who have then made successful careers for themselves. If you need more information about the Ideal Institute of Biology, get in touch with us today!

”Empowering Nation through Education”

”Think NEET Think IIB”

Best NEET Classes in Maharashtra

When most people think about coaching institutes for NEET and JEE the first thought that comes to their mind is Kota. But is leaving your family and friends to study in the melting pot of a pressure cooker in Kota really the best solution to pass the NEET and JEE examinations especially if you are from Maharashtra? We don’t think so and there are some wonderful NEET preparation coaching institutes in Maharashtra itself which you should be taking advantage of. Today we’ll talk about why going anywhere other Maharashtra for your NEET classes might not be the best solution for you.

Why You Should Consider Studying For NEET in Maharashtra

1. A thought provoking statement about Kota is that not all those that goto Kota get into AIIMS or IIT and not all those that are in IIT/AIIMS are from Kota. You have to remember that fact. There are extremely talented faculty members and the best NEET coaching classes right here in Maharashtra.

2. Speaking about the best faculty in Kota, what are the chances that you will be part of the class that will have the best faculty that they normally brag about? The chances are less than 1% because of the sheer number of students that actually go to Kota.

3. Being away from your family and friends can actually have a negative impact on your mental balance which is one of the most important thing when you are working towards securing a place in the top medical colleges of India. If you ever feel that the pressure of studying is getting to much to handle and you don’t like the competition around you then a few days break with your family members will actually help you to score better in your exams.

4. The kind of individual attention you will receive by staying in your home town and studying at the top institutes there will never be the same as the NEET coaching classes elsewhere. The NEET coaching classes in Maharashtra might actually be your best chance at securing a place in the medical college of your choice.

5. What you need while preparing for extremely competitive exams like NEET is to have the right balance of mental and physical stability. If you are not used to staying away from home then getting into a pressure situation like Kota is like rubbing salt on your wounds. Only a few people are capable of handling the kind of pressure that Kota puts on you. It isn’t for everyone and you should be okay with that.

Best NEET Coaching Classes inMaharashtra

Ideal Institute of Biology in Maharashtra is one of the most renowned NEET coaching classes. The track record of students from IIB is one of the best in all of India which is not a fact that most people are aware about. The faculty are on par with the rest of the country and more importantly the individual attention the students in IIB get is one of the primary reasons you should consider applying. If you are looking for the best coaching classes for NEET in Maharashtra get in touch with IIB today!

”Empowering Nation through Education”

”Think NEET Think IIB”

NEET Preparation With The Best Medical Preparation Institute in India

The National Eligibility –cum-Entrance Test (NEET) is one of the toughest medical exams in the world. More than 10 lakh students apply every year and only a selected few make it to the best medical colleges in India. So if your dream is to one day get into the best medical institute how do you prepare for the examinations? Here’s a comprehensive list of tips that you need to follow to ensure that you make it to the top.

Best Tips To Prepare For NEET

  1. Pay Attention

While joining a coaching institute will definitely help you on your journey toward ranking in NEET you need to start preparing from school. Its important to pay attention especially to subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Botany.

2. Make A Schedule For Yourself

Only the very few dedicated individuals who are willing to put in the hard work during their preparations make it to the top of the lists. In our pursuit of becoming the best medical coaching in India we have spoken to several of our students who have excelled in NEET and asked them to list down their tips. All of them had one thing in common. All of them worked of a very rigorous schedule that they stuck too.

3. Give Yourself Plenty Of Break Time

Studying for NEET or anything other competitive exams does not have to mean a life time of having your nose buried in books. To be able to fully concentrate to the coaching and the lessons, you have to be fresh of body and mind. Students that regularly take a few hours break throughout the day to pursue their hobbies are more likely to achieve better scores as their minds are refreshed to soak in the lessons they will be going to hear. It has also been observed that students that have a healthy exercise regimen also perform well on test. We don’t mean you need to hit the gym and bulk up, but you do need some form of daily exercise in your life.

4. Join The Best Medical Coaching In India

One of the advantages of joining a NEET coaching centre in India is that we have been through it all. We have seen a variety of students that have had varying degrees of success and we know exactly why they have performed the way they did. When you join Ideal Institute of Biology, Nanded you are guaranteed some of the best learning experiences for NEET in India. From the class structure, to the pattern of education everything is done keeping the students priorities and importance in mind.


If you have a proper plan in place and the support system of the best NEET coaching institute in India then it can be very easy for you to do well in the exam in spite of all the obstacles. IIB, Nanded is one such centre that provides the best medical coaching in India. If you’re looking for a place to prepare for NEET, get in touch with us today!

”Empowering Nation through Education”

”Think NEET Think IIB”

Top Medical Coaching in India

The medical profession is one of the most admired in the world. Doctors are respected globally for the work they do. Even in India, the medical profession is highly sought after and young adults aspire and work hard every day to start the path of their dream careers. However, it isn’t as easy as it seems and almost 85% of students seek assistance from top medical coaching institutes in India. It’s these 5 habits of the top medical coaching centres in India that separates them from the rest.

5 Best Habits ofthe Best Coaching Institute for NEET

  1. Confidence Builders

While some institutes only work to ensure they have a steady stream of new students lining up at their doors, the best coaching institutes for NEET in India work toward enabling their students to be masters of their craft. Usually NEET coaching institutes that work on making their students better-rounded in their academics tend to have better results in the competitive exams as well.

2. Individual Attention

Confidence can only be built when special attention is provided to the progress of each individual student. It cannot work if the students and faculty don’t interact on a more personal basis. The best coaching institute for NEET will always push for more one-to-one time with their students to better understand their problems, concerns, and pressures. Only by providing individual attention to their students will they truly help each one of them to shine at the competitive exams.

3. No Discrimination

Each student has arrived at the institute from a different path. Each of them has a different story to tell about why they joined medical coaching, or why they want to be doctors. Some might pick up topics extremely quickly while others might struggle. The top medical coaching class in India does not discriminate amongst its students. Rich, poor, extremely intelligent, or slightly blunted, the coaching institute will give appropriate attention to all.

4. Deep Understanding

A good coaching institute for NEET will explain only what you need to do to pass the hardest competitive exams in the medical field. The best NEET coaching in India will not only explain how to pass the exams, but also give you a deep understanding of the topics that will help you in the long run to become successful doctors no matter what specialization you choose.

5. No Taking Advantage Of It’s Students

In most cities you’ll see big hoarding of students that have recently ranked in various competitive exams. Now there is nothing wrong with doing so, the problem occurs in the way the business is handled. Most of these banners are made without the students or their parent’s permissions. These banners bring a lot of publicity to the institutes but there is never a two and fro gratification from the end of the coaching centres. The whole business is very shady. However, the best institutes will handle the whole ordeal in a very business-like manner.


Keep these traits in mind when making up your mind about the best coaching institute for NEET. You know exactly what habits to look for. The Ideal Institute of Biology (IIB) Nanded is one such NEET coaching institute that knows how to nurture students for success. If you’re looking to enrol your children in the best NEET coaching classes in India, get in touch with us right away.

”Empowering Nation through Education”

”Think NEET Think IIB”

Best Coaching Centre for NEET in India

While every parent dreams that their child grows up to be a doctor or an engineer, the pressure on the children to achieve their parent’s aspirations is tremendous. To make things even more complicated is the fact that the number of premier medical institutes in the country is few and the competition for places is high. It is therefore understandable that many young aspirants looking to crack the NEET exam will look for the best medical coaching in India. Here’s how you can narrow your choice for the best NEET coaching centres near you.

How To Select Best Coaching Institute For NEET Preparation?

  1. Faculty

When looking for the best medical coaching in India you have to consider the faculty that is going to be training you in your field. A reputed coaching centre will not only have faculty that will help you pass the exam, but also pay special attention to your individual needs so you are able to master the topics for better future prospects.

The faculty will help you with tips on how to answer difficult questions, provide multiple problem solving techniques, and go through multiple sample papers so you can accumulate the highest scores in all your NEET exams.

2. Institutes Track Record

Another focus area while picking the best coaching for medical preparations is the track record of the institute you are thinking of joining. Now this will require a little bit of effort from your end. Most NEET coaching centres in India will boast of an excellent track record but that cannot be true for obvious reasons. Here is how you can narrow it down:

  • Real Student Feedback: Rather than relying on what you read on the website and other review sites, you can talk to other people who have used the services of the institute.
  • Records: All Institutes will boast about their track record for securing ranked students and will display this information proudly. Check and confirm if the college you are aiming for accepts students of that particular rank. You can also cross check what their success rate is in the competitive exams like NEET.

3. Fees

For some students this might not be a major factor while deciding the best medical coaching classes in India, but for most it surely is a point of contention. While evaluating different coaching centres do keep in mind the fees they charge and what all do they provide for the fees that they are charging.  Some institutes might charge slightly higher fees based on their reputation and the services provided along with the coaching such as lodging and meal fees. You have to keep that in mind while evaluating your choices.


While there are multiple selection criteria for students to choose from each individual needs to make their own choice on the best medical coaching in India. IIB is one such reputed NEET coaching centre in Nanded that specializes in classes for medical exams. They tick all the right boxes based on the criteria mentioned above and have had several of their students appear among the top of the ranking charts for exams. If you are looking for the best medical coaching in India, do get in touch with us today!

”Empowering Nation through Education”

”Think NEET Think IIB”

NEET Exam Coaching

Aspiring to be a doctor someday? Planning to enroll yourself in the NEET coaching to strengthen your foundation with a comprehensive study of the NEET course? Cracking NEET is no small feat and you need to surround yourself with the experts for a clear understanding of NEET course possible with an experienced NEET coaching.

National Eligibility Entrance Test also known as NEET is conducted by the National Testing Agency also known as NTA. NEET has substituted the famous All India Pre Medical Test also called as AIPMT Exam which was a yearly medical entrance examination in India. Prior to NEET examination came into the picture, students give AIPMT to take 15 % of Central seats and 85% of State seats in the medical and dental colleges that are run by the Central Government, state governments, and by the municipal/local authorities in India (except in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu and Kashmir).

Following courses require clearing the NEET examination for admission:

  • In BDS (Dental Course)
  • In MBBS ( Medical Course)
  • In the PG Course in the government and private medical colleges in India


  • All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
  • Postgraduate Institute for Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
  • Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Pondicherry

The UG courses by these above-mentioned colleges have their separate examinations for entrance since these were set up by separate laws.

Eligibility Criteria

Criteria Details
Qualifying Exam The applicant must have passed 10+2 from a recognized board from PCB stream, Biology and English as core subjects.
Aggregate Marks Only aggregate marks to be considered for PCB subjects. Eligibility for various categories are-  UR               – 50%,
OBC/SC/ST – 40%,
PWD             – 45%
Minimum Age Requirement The applicant should be 17 years as on December 31, 2020.
Maximum Age Limit There is no maximum age limit as of now.
Maximum Attempts There is no limit on the number of attempts a student can make.
Nationality required to apply Indian Nationals, NRIs, PIOs, OCIs and Foreign Nationals

Paper Pattern

  • NEET examination will be conducted through offline mode.
  • There will be 180 objective types of questions with a total of 720 marks conducted for 3 hours.
  • Sections
Subjects Number of Questions Marks
Physics 45 Questions 180 marks
Chemistry 45 Questions 180 marks
Biology 90 Questions 360 marks
  • Every correct answer will give you 4 marks while every wrong answer will deduct 1 mark as negative marking.

Ideal Institute of Biology is best known for NEET Coaching for a reason. With separate doubt sessions to solve the problems encountered by students and equipping them with the best study material and distance learning program IIB is a prominent for you. Periodic tests with customized question banks and notes will help you score high.

”Empowering Nation through Education”

”Think NEET Think IIB”

Scope after NEET

Have taken best Coaching for NEET to have a successful career in the field of the medical? Confused about which course is best for your career after best Coaching for NEET you opted-in this competitive world?

Worry no more! We are here to make things easy for you. Serving you with the list of courses that can aid you in living your dream life is here. Without any ado, let’s discuss the list of the NEET courses available to you after 12 –

  1. MBBS – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

With the minimum 50% marks requirement in PCB stream with English in the ’10+2′ examinations, the MBBS course covers basic pre and para-clinical subjects such as physiology, biochemistry,  anatomy, pathology, pharmacology, and microbiology and has a  12-month-long internship. The prescribed curriculum will inculcate standard protocols regarding history taking, differential diagnosis, complete patient management, and examination. Apart from that, it also contains the practical knowledge and practice of performing the standard clinical procedures and the students are given in and out-patient wards training to interact with real patients and are also taught the most useful investigation procedure and treatment option for a patient.

  • BDS – Bachelor of Dental Surgery

4-5 years duration course, B.D.S. is suitable for you if you want to become a dentist in the near future. The course involves the knowledge of treatments like Dental Anatomy, Surgical Treatments, Oral Histology and Pathology, Oral Medicine, Radiology, Pedodontics, Dental Materials, and Community Dentistry through the demonstrations, clinical work conferences, lectures, group discussions, and seminars.

  • BHMS – Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery

A bachelor’s degree in Homeopathic Education regulated by the National Institute of Homeopathy India accepting NEET scores for admissions. Homeopathic medication is considered for curing long term disorders and therefore, a brilliant option to make a career. 

  • BAMS Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

This degree will give you a basic education backed up by extensive practical training with fundamental knowledge of various subjects of Ayurveda leading you to become a research scholar, an efficient teacher,  a Kayachikitsaka i.e. an Ayurvedic physician, and a surgeon (Shalyachikitsaka) who can contribute in the medical services of the country.

  • BSMS Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery

The most ancient system in the AYUSH(Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) BSMS is a UG program in the Siddha System. With duration of 5.5 years, 4.5 years includes a classroom study and there is a 1 year of mandatory internship.

  • BUMS Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery

With a gross of 5.5 years of duration including 4 .5 years of academic sessions and 1-year of the live practical internship, BUMS covers the knowledge of the Unani system. It is one of the popular degrees in the field of Unani medicine.

Known as best coaching for NEET in India, the IIB has its branches in Nanded & Latur. It gives you periodic tests, notes, question banks, online study material and conduct doubt solving sessions to ace your medical entrance examinations.

”Empowering Nation through Education”

”Think NEET Think IIB”