NEET -PG is one of the sought of the medical postgraduate entrance examination. There are altogether 19 subject students have to study. These subjects are as per the Graduate Medical Education Regulations issued by Medical Council of India with prior approval of Government of India. One can imagine the vastness of the portion that the students have to cover while preparing for the NEET PG examination. Out of the 300 questions asked in the NEET PG paper, 20 questions are from Microbiology. Students have to prepare for both the theoretical and representational aspects of Microbiology. The NEET Important Topics in Microbiology is given below for the reference
Methods and Techniques, Immunology, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Miscellaneous Topics are the syllabus that has to be prepared for the NEET PG entrance examination.
Important topics in General Microbiology
- History
- Staining Techniques
- Culture Media
- Sterilization Techniques
- Bacterial Cell Wall
- Bacterial Growth Curve
Important topics in Bacteriology
- Staph, Streptococcus, Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Clostridium
- Enterococcus Family
- Mycobacterium
- Pseudomans, Haemophilus, Brucella, Bordetella, Yersinia
- Vibrio
- Chlamydia
- Rickettsia
- Mycoplasma
- Helicobacter, Campylobacter
- Listeria, Legionella
- Neisseria
Important topics in Virology
- General properties of virus
- Herpes
- Pox(image)
- Rabies
- Polio
- Adenovirus
- Hepatitis
- Influenza
- Dengue
Important topics in Mycology
- General properties
- Dermatomycosis
- Dimorphic fungi (special points of each)
- Aspergillus
- Candida
- Cryptococcus
Important topics in Parasitology
- Entamoeba
- Giardia
- Plasmodium
- Leishmaniasis
- Solium
- Nana
- Ascaris
- Wuchereria (Image)
- Schistosomiasis
- Images of Eggs of all Parasites
Important topics in Immunology
- Antigen
- Antibody
- Reaction Between Antigen and Antibody (Examples)
- Hypersensitivity Reaction (Examples)
- Autoimmunity
Microbiology is considered to be one of the toughest subjects to be studied. Hence, students have to put in extra effort to excel in this subject. But if students can understand this subject well, then it is one of the scoring subjects of the examination. The above-mentioned NEET Important topics for Microbiology will help the students to get a head start in the subject. Once they start the subject first focussing on these topics, they will gain confidence, and then they can move on to the other topics in Microbiology.
By giving important topics doesn’t mean that students have to understand only those topics and the rest of the topic they can skip. These important topics are just guidance to start their studies in Microbiology. For any examination, important topics should be considered, and students should concentrate on those topics more. But, at the same time, they should not ignore the rest of the topics which doesn’t feature in the important topics. Ideal Institute of Biology in Nanded and Latur is considered to be the best coaching for NEET. They make their students prepare well not only in important topics but also the topics which are not featured in the important topic list. They believe in giving the students an overall subject matter expert, which proves to be beneficial for the students while attempting the questions. The students can try all the questions and score well, which can be seen from their impressive track record molding over 15000 medical professionals. Ideal Institute of Biology is also helping the giving the rightful candidates free admission in 11th and 12th standard. All the students have to do is to crack the IIB FAST (Free Admission Selection Test). Students who have cleared their 10th and 11th standard examination are eligible for giving the IIB FAST examination for 11th and 12th standard respectively. The result of this examination will give 2000 students (1000 students each for 11th and 12th standard) free admission.