Important Topics for NEET Biology Preparation (class 11th and 12th)

Home Blog Important Topics for NEET Biology Preparation (class 11th and 12th)

NEET is one of the most important competitive examinations in India. The number of candidates appearing for this exam each year is massive and biology is the most crucial subject in this examination, especially for candidates who pursue medicine as a career. To crack the exam, no doubt you will need the best coaching for NEET. But along with it, it’s very important to know about expected questions and topics in biology.

Division of Marks 

NEET papers have 180 questions, out of which 90 questions are from Biology as biology represents 50 percent of the paper, making it the most crucial subject. Biology questions are concept based and theoretical.

Topics for NEET Biology – Zoology 

Animal Husbandry


Animal Diversity

Human Reproduction


Human physiology

Animal Tissue

Topics for NEET Biology – Botany

Candidates should not avoid the botany section in biology. Best coaching institute for NEET like IIB will say that it can cause serious harm to the overall scores. Here are some important botany topics: 

Plant Diversity 



Biology in Human welfare 

Plant Division

Plant physiology

Division and Cell biology

Plant Reproduction 

Biology chapter weightage

Plant physiology –  6 %

Cell: Function and Structure – 9 %

Human physiology -20%

Diversity of Living Organism -14%

Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants -5%

Evolution and Genetics -18%

Reproduction -9%

Human welfare and Biology -9%

Biotechnology and its Applications -4%

Environment and Ecology -6%

Question types in NEET Biology 

Class 11 syllabus is vital as 40 – 42 questions come from here, while the rest 48 – 50 questions are from the class 12 syllabus. Questions can be divided into three types, which includes:

Based on NCERT 

Students must go through the  NCERT book again and again as many questions and concepts come from there. Both class 11 and class 12 NCERT books are important. It will be easier for candidates to secure good ranks in NEET with the help of NCERT books.

 Previous Year Question Papers

Candidates should practice as many numbers of previous year question sets as possible as they are suitable for practice. You can adapt to the type of questions and give real exam type experience. In NEET, you can expect around 8 – 10 questions directly from previous years. Knowing them previously can get you good scores as well as can save your time in the actual examination.

Altered Questions 

Around ten questions in the paper will not be direct. These are the tricky questions that will test your conceptual knowledge of the subject. It is always important to study the concepts properly while you are preparing for NEET. If you solve these questions, your chances of scoring well can improve a lot.

Additionally, diagrams and flowcharts are crucial parts of NEET. It is important to practice them so that you can clearly understand them and answer the questions in the examination. IIB, one of the best coaching institute for NEET makes all our students practice all the important questions for NEET. 



