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await(this.#n.config.onError?.(t,e,this.state.context,this)),await(this.options.onError?.(t,e,this.state.context)),await(this.#n.config.onSettled?.(void 0,t,this.state.variables,this.state.context,this)),await(this.options.onSettled?.(void 0,t,e,this.state.context)),t}finally{this.#u({type:"error",error:t})}}}#u(e){this.state=(t=>{switch(e.type){case"failed":return{...t,failureCount:e.failureCount,failureReason:e.error};case"pause":return{...t,isPaused:!0};case"continue":return{...t,isPaused:!1};case"pending":return{...t,context:e.context,data:void 0,failureCount:0,failureReason:null,error:null,isPaused:!(0,i.canFetch)(this.options.networkMode),status:"pending",variables:e.variables,submittedAt:Date.now()};case"success":return{...t,data:e.data,failureCount:0,failureReason:null,error:null,status:"success",isPaused:!1};case"error":return{...t,data:void 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o;t++;try{o=i()}finally{t--,t||(()=>{const t=e;e=[],t.length&&(0,s.scheduleMicrotask)((()=>{n((()=>{t.forEach((e=>{r(e)}))}))}))})()}return o},batchCalls:e=>(...t)=>{i((()=>{e(...t)}))},schedule:i,setNotifyFunction:e=>{r=e},setBatchNotifyFunction:e=>{n=e}}}var i=n()},"./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/onlineManager.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{OnlineManager:function(){return i},onlineManager:function(){return o}});var s=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/subscribable.js"),n=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/utils.js"),i=class extends s.Subscribable{#b=!0;#t;#r;constructor(){super(),this.#r=e=>{if(!n.isServer&&window.addEventListener){const t=()=>e(!0),r=()=>e(!1);return 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If you are using a string like 'repoData', please change it to an Array, e.g. ['repoData']");const r=new AbortController,s={queryKey:this.queryKey,meta:this.meta},n=e=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"signal",{enumerable:!0,get:()=>(this.#v=!0,r.signal)})};n(s);const o={fetchOptions:t,options:this.options,queryKey:this.queryKey,state:this.state,fetchFn:()=>this.options.queryFn?(this.#v=!1,this.options.persister?this.options.persister(this.options.queryFn,s,this):this.options.queryFn(s)):Promise.reject(new Error(`Missing queryFn: '${this.options.queryHash}'`))};n(o),this.options.behavior?.onFetch(o,this),this.#C=this.state,"idle"!==this.state.fetchStatus&&this.state.fetchMeta===o.fetchOptions?.meta||this.#u({type:"fetch",meta:o.fetchOptions?.meta});const u=e=>{(0,i.isCancelledError)(e)&&e.silent||this.#u({type:"error",error:e}),(0,i.isCancelledError)(e)||(this.#q.config.onError?.(e,this),this.#q.config.onSettled?.(this.state.data,e,this)),this.isFetchingOptimistic||this.scheduleGc(),this.isFetchingOptimistic=!1};return this.#o=(0,i.createRetryer)({fn:o.fetchFn,abort:r.abort.bind(r),onSuccess:e=>{if(void 0===e)return console.error(`Query data cannot be undefined. Please make sure to return a value other than undefined from your query function. Affected query key: ${this.queryHash}`),void u(new Error(`${this.queryHash} data is undefined`));this.setData(e),this.#q.config.onSuccess?.(e,this),this.#q.config.onSettled?.(e,this.state.error,this),this.isFetchingOptimistic||this.scheduleGc(),this.isFetchingOptimistic=!1},onError:u,onFail:(e,t)=>{this.#u({type:"failed",failureCount:e,error:t})},onPause:()=>{this.#u({type:"pause"})},onContinue:()=>{this.#u({type:"continue"})},retry:o.options.retry,retryDelay:o.options.retryDelay,networkMode:o.options.networkMode}),this.#R=this.#o.promise,this.#R}#u(e){this.state=(t=>{switch(e.type){case"failed":return{...t,fetchFailureCount:e.failureCount,fetchFailureReason:e.error};case"pause":return{...t,fetchStatus:"paused"};case"continue":return{...t,fetchStatus:"fetching"};case"fetch":return{...t,fetchFailureCount:0,fetchFailureReason:null,fetchMeta:e.meta??null,fetchStatus:(0,i.canFetch)(this.options.networkMode)?"fetching":"paused",...!t.dataUpdatedAt&&{error:null,status:"pending"}};case"success":return{...t,data:e.data,dataUpdateCount:t.dataUpdateCount+1,dataUpdatedAt:e.dataUpdatedAt??Date.now(),error:null,isInvalidated:!1,status:"success",...!e.manual&&{fetchStatus:"idle",fetchFailureCount:0,fetchFailureReason:null}};case"error":const 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Map}#Q;build(e,t,r){const i=t.queryKey,o=t.queryHash??(0,s.hashQueryKeyByOptions)(i,t);let u=this.get(o);return u||(u=new n.Query({cache:this,queryKey:i,queryHash:o,options:e.defaultQueryOptions(t),state:r,defaultOptions:e.getQueryDefaults(i)}),this.add(u)),u}add(e){this.#Q.has(e.queryHash)||(this.#Q.set(e.queryHash,e),this.notify({type:"added",query:e}))}remove(e){const t=this.#Q.get(e.queryHash);t&&(e.destroy(),t===e&&this.#Q.delete(e.queryHash),this.notify({type:"removed",query:e}))}clear(){i.notifyManager.batch((()=>{this.getAll().forEach((e=>{this.remove(e)}))}))}get(e){return this.#Q.get(e)}getAll(){return[...this.#Q.values()]}find(e){const t={exact:!0,...e};return this.getAll().find((e=>(0,s.matchQuery)(t,e)))}findAll(e={}){const t=this.getAll();return Object.keys(e).length>0?t.filter((t=>(0,s.matchQuery)(e,t))):t}notify(e){i.notifyManager.batch((()=>{this.listeners.forEach((t=>{t(e)}))}))}onFocus(){i.notifyManager.batch((()=>{this.getAll().forEach((e=>{e.onFocus()}))}))}onOnline(){i.notifyManager.batch((()=>{this.getAll().forEach((e=>{e.onOnline()}))}))}}},"./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/queryClient.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{QueryClient:function(){return h}});var 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Map,this.#S=0}mount(){this.#S++,1===this.#S&&(this.#j=o.focusManager.subscribe((()=>{o.focusManager.isFocused()&&(this.resumePausedMutations(),this.#M.onFocus())})),this.#P=u.onlineManager.subscribe((()=>{u.onlineManager.isOnline()&&(this.resumePausedMutations(),this.#M.onOnline())})))}unmount(){this.#S--,0===this.#S&&(this.#j?.(),this.#j=void 0,this.#P?.(),this.#P=void 0)}isFetching(e){return this.#M.findAll({...e,fetchStatus:"fetching"}).length}isMutating(e){return this.#n.findAll({...e,status:"pending"}).length}getQueryData(e){return this.#M.find({queryKey:e})?.state.data}ensureQueryData(e){const t=this.getQueryData(e.queryKey);return void 0!==t?Promise.resolve(t):this.fetchQuery(e)}getQueriesData(e){return this.getQueryCache().findAll(e).map((({queryKey:e,state:t})=>[e,t.data]))}setQueryData(e,t,r){const n=this.#M.find({queryKey:e}),i=n?.state.data,o=(0,s.functionalUpdate)(t,i);if(void 0===o)return;const u=this.defaultQueryOptions({queryKey:e});return this.#M.build(this,u).setData(o,{...r,manual:!0})}setQueriesData(e,t,r){return a.notifyManager.batch((()=>this.getQueryCache().findAll(e).map((({queryKey:e})=>[e,this.setQueryData(e,t,r)]))))}getQueryState(e){return this.#M.find({queryKey:e})?.state}removeQueries(e){const t=this.#M;a.notifyManager.batch((()=>{t.findAll(e).forEach((e=>{t.remove(e)}))}))}resetQueries(e,t){const r=this.#M,s={type:"active",...e};return a.notifyManager.batch((()=>(r.findAll(e).forEach((e=>{e.reset()})),this.refetchQueries(s,t))))}cancelQueries(e={},t={}){const r={revert:!0,...t},n=a.notifyManager.batch((()=>this.#M.findAll(e).map((e=>e.cancel(r)))));return Promise.all(n).then(s.noop).catch(s.noop)}invalidateQueries(e={},t={}){return a.notifyManager.batch((()=>{if(this.#M.findAll(e).forEach((e=>{e.invalidate()})),"none"===e.refetchType)return Promise.resolve();const r={...e,type:e.refetchType??e.type??"active"};return this.refetchQueries(r,t)}))}refetchQueries(e={},t){const r={...t,cancelRefetch:t?.cancelRefetch??!0},n=a.notifyManager.batch((()=>this.#M.findAll(e).filter((e=>!e.isDisabled())).map((e=>{let t=e.fetch(void 0,r);return r.throwOnError||(t=t.catch(s.noop)),"paused"===e.state.fetchStatus?Promise.resolve():t}))));return Promise.all(n).then(s.noop)}fetchQuery(e){const t=this.defaultQueryOptions(e);void 0===t.retry&&(t.retry=!1);const r=this.#M.build(this,t);return r.isStaleByTime(t.staleTime)?r.fetch(t):Promise.resolve(r.state.data)}prefetchQuery(e){return this.fetchQuery(e).then(s.noop).catch(s.noop)}fetchInfiniteQuery(e){return e.behavior=(0,c.infiniteQueryBehavior)(e.pages),this.fetchQuery(e)}prefetchInfiniteQuery(e){return this.fetchInfiniteQuery(e).then(s.noop).catch(s.noop)}resumePausedMutations(){return this.#n.resumePausedMutations()}getQueryCache(){return this.#M}getMutationCache(){return this.#n}getDefaultOptions(){return this.#s}setDefaultOptions(e){this.#s=e}setQueryDefaults(e,t){this.#w.set((0,s.hashKey)(e),{queryKey:e,defaultOptions:t})}getQueryDefaults(e){const t=[...this.#w.values()];let r={};return t.forEach((t=>{(0,s.partialMatchKey)(e,t.queryKey)&&(r={...r,...t.defaultOptions})})),r}setMutationDefaults(e,t){this.#k.set((0,s.hashKey)(e),{mutationKey:e,defaultOptions:t})}getMutationDefaults(e){const t=[...this.#k.values()];let r={};return t.forEach((t=>{(0,s.partialMatchKey)(e,t.mutationKey)&&(r={...r,...t.defaultOptions})})),r}defaultQueryOptions(e){if(e?._defaulted)return e;const t={...this.#s.queries,...e?.queryKey&&this.getQueryDefaults(e.queryKey),...e,_defaulted:!0};return t.queryHash||(t.queryHash=(0,s.hashQueryKeyByOptions)(t.queryKey,t)),void 0===t.refetchOnReconnect&&(t.refetchOnReconnect="always"!==t.networkMode),void 0===t.throwOnError&&(t.throwOnError=!!t.suspense),void 0===t.networkMode&&t.persister&&(t.networkMode="offlineFirst"),t}defaultMutationOptions(e){return e?._defaulted?e:{...this.#s.mutations,...e?.mutationKey&&this.getMutationDefaults(e.mutationKey),...e,_defaulted:!0}}clear(){this.#M.clear(),this.#n.clear()}}},"./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/queryObserver.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{QueryObserver:function(){return a}});var s=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/utils.js"),n=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/notifyManager.js"),i=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/focusManager.js"),o=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/subscribable.js"),u=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/retryer.js"),a=class extends o.Subscribable{constructor(e,t){super(),this.#E=void 0,this.#_=void 0,this.#d=void 0,this.#F=new Set,this.#l=e,this.options=t,this.#D=null,this.bindMethods(),this.setOptions(t)}#l;#E;#_;#d;#I;#T;#D;#x;#A;#U;#K;#B;#L;#F;bindMethods(){this.refetch=this.refetch.bind(this)}onSubscribe(){1===this.listeners.size&&(this.#E.addObserver(this),c(this.#E,this.options)&&this.#H(),this.#G())}onUnsubscribe(){this.hasListeners()||this.destroy()}shouldFetchOnReconnect(){return h(this.#E,this.options,this.options.refetchOnReconnect)}shouldFetchOnWindowFocus(){return h(this.#E,this.options,this.options.refetchOnWindowFocus)}destroy(){this.listeners=new Set,this.#N(),this.#W(),this.#E.removeObserver(this)}setOptions(e,t){const r=this.options,n=this.#E;if(this.options=this.#l.defaultQueryOptions(e),(0,s.shallowEqualObjects)(r,this.options)||this.#l.getQueryCache().notify({type:"observerOptionsUpdated",query:this.#E,observer:this}),void 0!==this.options.enabled&&"boolean"!=typeof this.options.enabled)throw new Error("Expected enabled to be a boolean");this.options.queryKey||(this.options.queryKey=r.queryKey),this.#V();const i=this.hasListeners();i&&d(this.#E,n,this.options,r)&&this.#H(),this.updateResult(t),!i||this.#E===n&&this.options.enabled===r.enabled&&this.options.staleTime===r.staleTime||this.#$();const o=this.#z();!i||this.#E===n&&this.options.enabled===r.enabled&&o===this.#L||this.#J(o)}getOptimisticResult(e){const t=this.#l.getQueryCache().build(this.#l,e),r=this.createResult(t,e);return n=this,i=r,!(0,s.shallowEqualObjects)(n.getCurrentResult(),i)&&(this.#d=r,this.#T=this.options,this.#I=this.#E.state),r;var n,i}getCurrentResult(){return this.#d}trackResult(e){const t={};return Object.keys(e).forEach((r=>{Object.defineProperty(t,r,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:()=>(this.#F.add(r),e[r])})})),t}getCurrentQuery(){return this.#E}refetch({...e}={}){return this.fetch({...e})}fetchOptimistic(e){const t=this.#l.defaultQueryOptions(e),r=this.#l.getQueryCache().build(this.#l,t);return r.isFetchingOptimistic=!0,r.fetch().then((()=>this.createResult(r,t)))}fetch(e){return this.#H({...e,cancelRefetch:e.cancelRefetch??!0}).then((()=>(this.updateResult(),this.#d)))}#H(e){this.#V();let t=this.#E.fetch(this.options,e);return e?.throwOnError||(t=t.catch(s.noop)),t}#$(){if(this.#N(),s.isServer||this.#d.isStale||!(0,s.isValidTimeout)(this.options.staleTime))return;const e=(0,s.timeUntilStale)(this.#d.dataUpdatedAt,this.options.staleTime)+1;this.#K=setTimeout((()=>{this.#d.isStale||this.updateResult()}),e)}#z(){return("function"==typeof this.options.refetchInterval?this.options.refetchInterval(this.#E):this.options.refetchInterval)??!1}#J(e){this.#W(),this.#L=e,!s.isServer&&!1!==this.options.enabled&&(0,s.isValidTimeout)(this.#L)&&0!==this.#L&&(this.#B=setInterval((()=>{(this.options.refetchIntervalInBackground||i.focusManager.isFocused())&&this.#H()}),this.#L))}#G(){this.#$(),this.#J(this.#z())}#N(){this.#K&&(clearTimeout(this.#K),this.#K=void 0)}#W(){this.#B&&(clearInterval(this.#B),this.#B=void 0)}createResult(e,t){const r=this.#E,n=this.options,i=this.#d,o=this.#I,a=this.#T,h=e!==r?e.state:this.#_,{state:f}=e;let y,{error:p,errorUpdatedAt:m,fetchStatus:b,status:v}=f,g=!1;if(t._optimisticResults){const s=this.hasListeners(),i=!s&&c(e,t),o=s&&d(e,r,t,n);(i||o)&&(b=(0,u.canFetch)(e.options.networkMode)?"fetching":"paused",f.dataUpdatedAt||(v="pending")),"isRestoring"===t._optimisticResults&&(b="idle")}if(t.select&&void 0!==f.data)if(i&&f.data===o?.data&&t.select===this.#x)y=this.#A;else try{this.#x=t.select,y=t.select(f.data),y=(0,s.replaceData)(i?.data,y,t),this.#A=y,this.#D=null}catch(e){this.#D=e}else y=f.data;if(void 0!==t.placeholderData&&void 0===y&&"pending"===v){let e;if(i?.isPlaceholderData&&t.placeholderData===a?.placeholderData)e=i.data;else if(e="function"==typeof t.placeholderData?t.placeholderData(this.#U?.state.data,this.#U):t.placeholderData,t.select&&void 0!==e)try{e=t.select(e),this.#D=null}catch(e){this.#D=e}void 0!==e&&(v="success",y=(0,s.replaceData)(i?.data,e,t),g=!0)}this.#D&&(p=this.#D,y=this.#A,m=Date.now(),v="error");const q="fetching"===b,O="pending"===v,C="error"===v,R=O&&q;return{status:v,fetchStatus:b,isPending:O,isSuccess:"success"===v,isError:C,isInitialLoading:R,isLoading:R,data:y,dataUpdatedAt:f.dataUpdatedAt,error:p,errorUpdatedAt:m,failureCount:f.fetchFailureCount,failureReason:f.fetchFailureReason,errorUpdateCount:f.errorUpdateCount,isFetched:f.dataUpdateCount>0||f.errorUpdateCount>0,isFetchedAfterMount:f.dataUpdateCount>h.dataUpdateCount||f.errorUpdateCount>h.errorUpdateCount,isFetching:q,isRefetching:q&&!O,isLoadingError:C&&0===f.dataUpdatedAt,isPaused:"paused"===b,isPlaceholderData:g,isRefetchError:C&&0!==f.dataUpdatedAt,isStale:l(e,t),refetch:this.refetch}}updateResult(e){const t=this.#d,r=this.createResult(this.#E,this.options);if(this.#I=this.#E.state,this.#T=this.options,(0,s.shallowEqualObjects)(r,t))return;void 0!==this.#I.data&&(this.#U=this.#E),this.#d=r;const n={};!1!==e?.listeners&&(()=>{if(!t)return!0;const{notifyOnChangeProps:e}=this.options,r="function"==typeof e?e():e;if("all"===r||!r&&!this.#F.size)return!0;const s=new Set(r??this.#F);return this.options.throwOnError&&s.add("error"),Object.keys(this.#d).some((e=>{const r=e;return this.#d[r]!==t[r]&&s.has(r)}))})()&&(n.listeners=!0),this.#m({...n,...e})}#V(){const e=this.#l.getQueryCache().build(this.#l,this.options);if(e===this.#E)return;const t=this.#E;this.#E=e,this.#_=e.state,this.hasListeners()&&(t?.removeObserver(this),e.addObserver(this))}onQueryUpdate(){this.updateResult(),this.hasListeners()&&this.#G()}#m(e){n.notifyManager.batch((()=>{e.listeners&&this.listeners.forEach((e=>{e(this.#d)})),this.#l.getQueryCache().notify({query:this.#E,type:"observerResultsUpdated"})}))}};function c(e,t){return function(e,t){return!(!1===t.enabled||e.state.dataUpdatedAt||"error"===e.state.status&&!1===t.retryOnMount)}(e,t)||e.state.dataUpdatedAt>0&&h(e,t,t.refetchOnMount)}function h(e,t,r){if(!1!==t.enabled){const s="function"==typeof r?r(e):r;return"always"===s||!1!==s&&l(e,t)}return!1}function d(e,t,r,s){return!1!==r.enabled&&(e!==t||!1===s.enabled)&&(!r.suspense||"error"!==e.state.status)&&l(e,r)}function l(e,t){return e.isStaleByTime(t.staleTime)}},"./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/removable.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{Removable:function(){return n}});var s=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/utils.js"),n=class{#X;destroy(){this.clearGcTimeout()}scheduleGc(){this.clearGcTimeout(),(0,s.isValidTimeout)(this.gcTime)&&(this.#X=setTimeout((()=>{this.optionalRemove()}),this.gcTime))}updateGcTime(e){this.gcTime=Math.max(this.gcTime||0,e??(s.isServer?1/0:3e5))}clearGcTimeout(){this.#X&&(clearTimeout(this.#X),this.#X=void 0)}}},"./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/retryer.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{CancelledError:function(){return a},canFetch:function(){return u},createRetryer:function(){return h},isCancelledError:function(){return c}});var s=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/focusManager.js"),n=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/onlineManager.js"),i=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/utils.js");function o(e){return Math.min(1e3*2**e,3e4)}function u(e){return"online"!==(e??"online")||n.onlineManager.isOnline()}var a=class{constructor(e){this.revert=e?.revert,this.silent=e?.silent}};function c(e){return e instanceof a}function h(e){let t,r,c,h=!1,d=0,l=!1;const f=new Promise(((e,t)=>{r=e,c=t})),y=()=>!s.focusManager.isFocused()||"always"!==e.networkMode&&!n.onlineManager.isOnline(),p=s=>{l||(l=!0,e.onSuccess?.(s),t?.(),r(s))},m=r=>{l||(l=!0,e.onError?.(r),t?.(),c(r))},b=()=>new Promise((r=>{t=e=>{const t=l||!y();return t&&r(e),t},e.onPause?.()})).then((()=>{t=void 0,l||e.onContinue?.()})),v=()=>{if(l)return;let t;try{t=e.fn()}catch(e){t=Promise.reject(e)}Promise.resolve(t).then(p).catch((t=>{if(l)return;const r=e.retry??(i.isServer?0:3),s=e.retryDelay??o,n="function"==typeof s?s(d,t):s,u=!0===r||"number"==typeof r&&d{if(y())return b()})).then((()=>{h?m(t):v()}))):m(t)}))};return u(e.networkMode)?v():b().then(v),{promise:f,cancel:t=>{l||(m(new a(t)),e.abort?.())},continue:()=>{const e=t?.();return e?f:Promise.resolve()},cancelRetry:()=>{h=!0},continueRetry:()=>{h=!1}}}},"./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/subscribable.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{Subscribable:function(){return s}});var s=class{constructor(){this.listeners=new Set,this.subscribe=this.subscribe.bind(this)}subscribe(e){return this.listeners.add(e),this.onSubscribe(),()=>{this.listeners.delete(e),this.onUnsubscribe()}}hasListeners(){return this.listeners.size>0}onSubscribe(){}onUnsubscribe(){}}},"./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/utils.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{addToEnd:function(){return C},addToStart:function(){return R},functionalUpdate:function(){return i},hashKey:function(){return d},hashQueryKeyByOptions:function(){return h},isPlainArray:function(){return p},isPlainObject:function(){return m},isServer:function(){return s},isValidTimeout:function(){return o},keepPreviousData:function(){return O},matchMutation:function(){return c},matchQuery:function(){return a},noop:function(){return n},partialMatchKey:function(){return l},replaceData:function(){return q},replaceEqualDeep:function(){return f},scheduleMicrotask:function(){return g},shallowEqualObjects:function(){return y},sleep:function(){return v},timeUntilStale:function(){return u}});var s="undefined"==typeof window||"Deno"in window;function n(){}function i(e,t){return"function"==typeof e?e(t):e}function o(e){return"number"==typeof e&&e>=0&&e!==1/0}function u(e,t){return Math.max(e+(t||0)-Date.now(),0)}function a(e,t){const{type:r="all",exact:s,fetchStatus:n,predicate:i,queryKey:o,stale:u}=e;if(o)if(s){if(t.queryHash!==h(o,t.options))return!1}else if(!l(t.queryKey,o))return!1;if("all"!==r){const e=t.isActive();if("active"===r&&!e)return!1;if("inactive"===r&&e)return!1}return!("boolean"==typeof u&&t.isStale()!==u||void 0!==n&&n!==t.state.fetchStatus||i&&!i(t))}function c(e,t){const{exact:r,status:s,predicate:n,mutationKey:i}=e;if(i){if(!t.options.mutationKey)return!1;if(r){if(d(t.options.mutationKey)!==d(i))return!1}else if(!l(t.options.mutationKey,i))return!1}return!(s&&t.state.status!==s||n&&!n(t))}function h(e,t){return(t?.queryKeyHashFn||d)(e)}function d(e){return JSON.stringify(e,((e,t)=>m(t)?Object.keys(t).sort().reduce(((e,r)=>(e[r]=t[r],e)),{}):t))}function l(e,t){return e===t||typeof e==typeof t&&!(!e||!t||"object"!=typeof e||"object"!=typeof t)&&!Object.keys(t).some((r=>!l(e[r],t[r])))}function f(e,t){if(e===t)return e;const r=p(e)&&p(t);if(r||m(e)&&m(t)){const s=r?e.length:Object.keys(e).length,n=r?t:Object.keys(t),i=n.length,o=r?[]:{};let u=0;for(let s=0;s{setTimeout(t,e)}))}function g(e){v(0).then(e)}function q(e,t,r){return"function"==typeof r.structuralSharing?r.structuralSharing(e,t):!1!==r.structuralSharing?f(e,t):t}function O(e){return e}function C(e,t,r=0){const s=[...e,t];return r&&s.length>r?s.slice(1):s}function R(e,t,r=0){const s=[t,...e];return r&&s.length>r?s.slice(0,-1):s}},"./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/QueryClientProvider.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{QueryClientContext:function(){return n},QueryClientProvider:function(){return o},useQueryClient:function(){return i}});var s=r("react"),n=s.createContext(void 0),i=e=>{const t=s.useContext(n);if(e)return e;if(!t)throw new Error("No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one");return t},o=({client:e,children:t})=>(s.useEffect((()=>(e.mount(),()=>{e.unmount()})),[e]),s.createElement(n.Provider,{value:e},t))},"./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/QueryErrorResetBoundary.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{QueryErrorResetBoundary:function(){return u},useQueryErrorResetBoundary:function(){return o}});var s=r("react");function n(){let e=!1;return{clearReset:()=>{e=!1},reset:()=>{e=!0},isReset:()=>e}}var i=s.createContext(n()),o=()=>s.useContext(i),u=({children:e})=>{const[t]=s.useState((()=>n()));return s.createElement(i.Provider,{value:t},"function"==typeof e?e(t):e)}},"./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/errorBoundaryUtils.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{ensurePreventErrorBoundaryRetry:function(){return i},getHasError:function(){return u},useClearResetErrorBoundary:function(){return o}});var s=r("react"),n=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/utils.js"),i=(e,t)=>{(e.suspense||e.throwOnError)&&(t.isReset()||(e.retryOnMount=!1))},o=e=>{s.useEffect((()=>{e.clearReset()}),[e])},u=({result:e,errorResetBoundary:t,throwOnError:r,query:s})=>e.isError&&!t.isReset()&&!e.isFetching&&(0,n.shouldThrowError)(r,[e.error,s])},"./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/isRestoring.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{IsRestoringProvider:function(){return o},useIsRestoring:function(){return i}});var s=r("react"),n=s.createContext(!1),i=()=>s.useContext(n),o=n.Provider},"./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/suspense.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{defaultThrowOnError:function(){return s},ensureStaleTime:function(){return n},fetchOptimistic:function(){return u},shouldSuspend:function(){return o},willFetch:function(){return i}});var s=(e,t)=>void 0===t.state.data,n=e=>{e.suspense&&"number"!=typeof e.staleTime&&(e.staleTime=1e3)},i=(e,t)=>e.isLoading&&e.isFetching&&!t,o=(e,t,r)=>e?.suspense&&i(t,r),u=(e,t,r)=>t.fetchOptimistic(e).catch((()=>{r.clearReset()}))},"./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/useBaseQuery.js":function(e,t,r){r.r(t),r.d(t,{useBaseQuery:function(){return h}});var s=r("react"),n=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/query-core/build/modern/notifyManager.js"),i=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/QueryErrorResetBoundary.js"),o=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/QueryClientProvider.js"),u=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/isRestoring.js"),a=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/errorBoundaryUtils.js"),c=r("./node_modules/@tanstack/react-query/build/modern/suspense.js");function h(e,t,r){if("object"!=typeof e||Array.isArray(e))throw new Error('Bad argument type. Starting with v5, only the "Object" form is allowed when calling query related functions. Please use the error stack to find the culprit call. 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Top NEET & JEE Coaching Centre in Maharashtra

Category: Blog

NEET Topper 2024: Siddhant Rakh Score 710 / 720: Shares his Success Story

Achieving success in the NEET exam is a dream come true. IIB Career Institute’s extraordinary student Siddhant Rakh has made it possible by achieving 710 out of 720 in the first attempt. Learn the secret of Siddhant and delve into the strategies toppers implement for NEET Preparation.

The Initial Phase of Preparation

Siddhant scored 95% in class 10th and was confused about which class to look for in the NEET Preparation. Then he learned about the hard work and dedicated team of IIB where students get personalized attention for the competitive exam preparation.

IIB Strategy for NEET Preparation

Siddhant was astonished by the IIB teaching methodologies and study material prepared under expert guidance according to the latest NEET syllabus. The test series conducted by team IIB was another level of achievement as it feels like we are appearing for the NEET exam itself. He appeared for all the test series conducted by IIB and achieved a good score that boosted his confidence while appearing for the actual NEET exam.

Role of Revision in Siddhant’s NEET Preparation

Revision and regular practice are the keys to success in NEET. The NEET 2024 exam was of moderate difficulty level. The biology section was easy if you had gone through the NCERT books and thoroughly covered all the topics in the syllabus. The chemistry questions were a bit tricky but if you practised the formulas and questions based on them you can easily crack the paper. The last section Physics was lengthy as most of the questions were around the numerical which requires an in-depth understanding of the subject. 

The regular revision sessions and practice tests conducted under the two-year NEET coaching program at IIB have helped Siddhant a lot in remembering the concepts and their application. Furthermore, one more important aspect Siddhant and his parents like about the IIB Coaching Centre is that students can clarify their doubts at any time with their respective teachers.

What Challenges Siddhant Faced While Preparing for the NEET Exam

In the initial days, the syllabus seemed to look like a huge mountain to explore but with the incorporation of proper planning and consistency in preparation Siddhant completed the syllabus. The next important step one should look out for is time management as it is one of the most crucial aspects of any competitive examination. In addition, he focussed on the achievement of small goals and assigned daily tasks with some time left for the revision of subjects. 

What Message Siddhant Convey to NEET Aspirants

The only thing Siddhant wants to say to the NEET aspirants is to focus on building a strong base as most questions are asked directly from theory. If you understand the concept behind the topic then you can easily answer the questions without wasting time. Students should practice the previous year’s question papers as they will help them to predict the type of questions and difficulty level. 

Furthermore, do not leave a single topic while preparing as it can cost you marks. Incorporate regular revision and practice numerical problems to comprehend these types of questions.

Siddhant Raut scored 710 out of 720 (Phy: 175, Chem: 180, Bio: 355) in his first NEET attempt. He joined IIB’s two-year NEET coaching program depicting the role of an early start in achieving success. IIB Career Institute has again proved that proper planning and consistency are important to achieve success in the NEET examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Siddhant Raut and what are his achievements in NEET 2024?

Answer: Siddhant Raut was a student of IIB Career Institute from batch 2022-24. He scored 710 out of 720 in NEET 2024 and succeeded in the exam under the guidance of IIB experts.

How important was time management in NEET Preparation?

Answer: Time is one of the most crucial factors in NEET preparation. Managing time is important to complete the vast syllabus on time, solve the practice paper and actual exam on time, and have some time left for revision to enhance reinforcement and retention.

What factors are important to consider when preparing for the NEET exam?

Answer: The factors to look for while preparing for the NEET exam include planning, time management, consistency, dedication and hard work. One should also incorporate expert teachers as they help in a better understanding of the concepts.

What is the difficulty level of the NEET 2024 exam?

Answer: The NEET 2024 exam was a moderately difficult paper. The biology section was easy but lengthy, Chemistry focused on the concepts and formulas, and the Physics section concentrated on the numerical and formula-based questions.

Which coaching institute is best for NEET preparation in Maharashtra?

Answer: IIB Career Institute is one of the best NEET coaching centres in Maharashtra with centres at Akola, Nanded, Chatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Kolhapur, Latur, and Pune (PCMC, Swargate, and FC Road). The institute has a legacy of 25 years of excellence in NEET coaching.

JEE Mains Mock Test 2025 Free (Online): Practice Test With IIB

NTA releases the JEE Mains Mock Test for aspirants of JEE 2025 on its official website. The mock test will help students to understand the exam pattern and difficulty level. The JEE Mains mock tests are designed by NTA considering the latest JEE exam patterns and syllabus. Students should download the mobile application “National Test Abhayas” to access the mock test paper. Additionally, students can also take the mock test series with IIB and elevate their JEE preparation.

JEE Main exam will be conducted in two sessions viz January and April 2025 for admission to the B.Tech and B.Arch courses in the top engineering colleges in India. The application form will be available on the NTA official website and the authorities will issue a notification for the same.

JEE Mains 2025: Mock Test Free PDF

JEE Mains 2025 mock test by NTA will help the students understand their preparation levels and analyse their mistakes before the final examination. These mock tests are crucial to know the weak points and rectify them before it is too late. Students should also solve the previous year’s question papers in addition to the JEE online mock test.

How to Practice for the JEE Mock Test 2025?

Candidates can get access to the JEE Mains mock test 2025 by visiting the official website or by downloading the app “National Test Abhayas”. The steps to practice the JEE Mock Test 2025 are as follows:

  1. Open the website: https://nta.ac.in/Quiz.
  2. Select the JEE Main exam from the drop-down menu and the paper you want to attempt.
  3. Click on the Login button to start the mock Test.
  4. You will see instructions for taking the JEE Main mock test. Go through the instructions carefully before proceeding.
  5. Click on the proceed button to start the test.
  6. Complete the test under simulated conditions to prepare effectively for the exam.
  7. Submit the test after completion by clicking the submit button.
  8. After some time the detailed result will be displayed on your screen.
  9. Go through the solution and cross-check your answer to know your mistakes.
  10. Focus on your weaknesses before the final exam to score well.

JEE Mains Mock Test PDF Download

The steps to download the JEE Mains exam PDF are as follows:

  1. Go to website nta.ac.in/Downloads.
  2. Click on the link stating download mock test papers. The test papers will be downloaded in zip format on your device.
  3. Students can also select the question papers they want to download from the drop-down menu.
  4. Save the folder and take the printout for future reference.
  5. Practice papers and analyse your preparation status.

JEE Mains Mock Test Pattern 2025

The JEE mock test papers 2025 are designed according to the latest JEE exam pattern. Students must go through the detailed exam pattern before solving the exam paper.

SubjectNumber of QuestionsMarks/QuestionTotal Marks
Section ASection B
Total Marks300

Note: Section B contains 10 questions out of which only 5 questions are to be attempted.

JEE Mains Mock Test Important Instructions

Before attempting the question paper you must read all the instructions carefully. Below you can find the important instructions for the JEE Mains Mock test:

  1. There are different colour codes for questions attempted by candidates:
  • Red- Question not answered by the candidate.
  • Grey- The Candidate has not visited the questions yet.
  • Green- The candidate has answered the question.
  • Green with purple circle- The candidate has answered the question but left it for review.
  • Purple: The candidate has not answered the question and left it for review.
  1. Candidates can click the “<” or “>” arrow to go to the previous page or next page while attempting the exam paper.
  2. After answering the questions the candidate should save and proceed to the next or mark it to review.
  3. After clicking on the Save & Next button on the last question for a section, candidates will automatically be taken to the first question of the next section.
  4. The exam paper will be available in the default language which can be further changed into your preferred language.
  5. Candidates can switch to any section of the question paper using the “up” and “down” buttons.
  6. To answer any question, click on the button to the option you choose.
  7. To deselect the answer candidates must click on the option chosen or click on the “clear” button.
  8. Candidates can view the corresponding section summary as part of the legend that appears in every section above the question palette.

How to register for the JEE Main 2025 Mock Test at the Practice Centre?

Candidates willing to appear for the JEE Main 2025 mock test at the practice centre are required to register by visiting the official website and book the slot of their exam paper. The steps to register for the JEE Main 2025 mock test practice test centre are as follows:

  1. Visit the official website of NTA and Click on the “Registration (Mock Test)” button.
  2. Register by entering your mobile number, email address and password.
  3. Select the preferred date and time for the practice test.
  4. Select the pin code or centre code where the candidate wants to appear for the examination.
  5. Choose the nearest centre from the list provided and click on “Confirm Booking”.

What is the Right Time to Appear for the Mock Test?

The ideal time to appear for the mock test is after the completion of the entire syllabus. Once you complete the syllabus you will be able to cover the most number of questions and will improve your score. The mock tests should be attempted several times before the actual exam to improve your speed, accuracy, confidence, time management, and overall performance.

Benefits of Solving JEE Mains 2025 Mock Test Papers

Here are some of the benefits of solving JEE Mains 2025 Mock test papers:

  1. The mock test is the preview of the actual exam paper giving students experience of the computer-based test.
  2. The test helps to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of preparation and work on their improvement.
  3. The mock tests attempted in exam-simulated environments will help in effective time management and boost confidence.
  4. Practising more and more multiple-choice questions will improve your speed and accuracy.
  5. Mock test papers give an overview of the exam pattern and difficulty level of the questions along with the exam pattern.


The JEE exam acts as a career turning point in the life of an aspiring engineer. Preparing for the most challenging JEE exam requires hard work, dedication, determination to achieve the goal and consistent study. IIB Career Institute is among the best JEE coaching centres in Maharashtra with centres at Akola, Nanded, Chatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Latur, Kolhapur, and Pune (PCMC, Swargate, and FC Road). The institute has a proven track record of success in the JEE exam with experienced and well-qualified faculty that can take you on the route of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I attempt the JEE Main mock test 2025?

Answer: You can visit the official website of NTA or the link https://nta.ac.in/Quiz and solve the JEE Main mock test 2025 and elevate your exam preparation.

What are the login credentials required to attempt the JEE Main 2025 mock test?

Answer: No login credentials are required to attempt the JEE Main 2025 mock test. Students can visit the official website and solve the mock test by choosing the JEE mains option and paper from the drop-down menu.

Can I check the result of my JEE Main mock test?

Answer: Once you submit the solved exam paper the result will be available in the summary section of the JEE Mains.

When should I start solving JEE Main mock test papers?

Answer: You should start solving JEE Main mock test papers after course completion. Once you cover the entire syllabus you will understand the paper and solve as many questions as you can. It will help to know the preparation status and improvement areas.

Is there a negative marking in JEE Main?

Answer: Each question carries 4 marks. For every correct answer candidate got 4 marks while for an incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted from the total score. Students should attempt questions wisely and ensure twice before marking in the OMR sheet.

Where can I get JEE Main 2025 syllabus PDF?

Answer: The National Testing Agency (NTA) will soon reveal the JEE Main 2025 syllabus on its official website. Last year, NTA revised the JEE Main syllabus, removing a few chapters from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Students can get the latest JEE Main syllabus PDF from the IIB page or the JEE Main official page to begin their preparation.

IIT vs. NIT: Which Engineering College is Right for You?

One of the most repetitive questions encountered in the minds of young aspiring engineers is which engineering college is right for their career: IIT or NIT? These questions are obvious as the decision will impact their career long-term. However, only a few aspirants know the difference between the two, leading to misconceptions and wrong choices.

Read on and find the key difference between the two colleges to make the right decision for your career.

Understanding the Gap: IIT vs. NIT 

Let’s get an insight into the key differences between IIT & NIT:

  1. What is IIT & NIT

IITs or Indian Institutes of Technology is a chain of engineering and technology institutions in India. These institutes were established in the 1950s under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The IITs are governed by the Institutes of Technology Act, of 1961 which refers to the foundation of the premier institutes in India to empower youths with the latest technological education. Each IIT functions as an autonomous body but is linked to each other through a common council called the IIT Council. There are 23 IITs in India accounting for 17740 seats.

NITs or National Institutes of Technology are centrally funded technical institutes under the ownership of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. These institutes are established under the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education, and Research Act, 2007.  There are 31 NITs in India accounting for 24,229 seats for undergraduate programs and 11,428 for postgraduate programs.

  1. Number of Colleges:

The second important difference is to know the number of NIT & IIT colleges in India. We have around 23 IITs and 31 NITs in our country providing prestigious engineering degrees.

List of NIT & IIT Colleges in India
IIT Bombay IIT DelhiIIT GuwahatiIIT KanpurIIT KharagpurIIT MadrasIIT RoorkeeIIT (BHU) VaranasiIIT BhubaneswarIIT GandhinagarIIT HyderabadIIT IndoreIIT JodhpurIIT MandiIIT PalakkadIIT PatnaIIT RoparIIT TirupatiIIT GoaIIT JammuIIT DharwadDr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar (NITJ)Malaviya National Institute of Technology JaipurMaulana Azad National Institute of Technology BhopalMotilal Nehru National Institute of Technology AllahabadNIT AgartalaNIT Andhra PradeshNIT Arunachal PradeshNIT CalicutNIT DelhiNIT DurgapurNIT GoaNIT HamirpurNational Institute Of Industrial EngineeringNIT JamshedpurNIT KurukshetraNIT ManipurNIT MeghalayaNIT MizoramNIT NagalandNIT PatnaNIT PondicherryNIT RaipurNIT RourkelaNIT SrinagarNIT SikkimNIT SurathkalNIT TrichyNIT UttarakhandNIT WarangalSardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology SuratVisvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur
  1. Admission Criteria: IIT Vs. NIT

Admission requirements are one of the most significant variations between IITs and NITs. The minimal prerequisite for admission to an IIT is JEE Advanced. Students must have a high rank in JEE Advanced and a minimum of 75% in their 12th grade to participate in the counselling process for admission to IIT. Students who score well in the JEE Mains are eligible for admission to NITs. Therefore, admission to IITs requires more proficiency than to a NIT.

  1. Courses Offered

There is no doubt that IITs are superior to NITs in delivering quality education. IITs comprise the world’s best faculty capable of imparting technical knowledge that can boost the career prospects of students when compared to other institutes. 

The IITs are well known for their B.Tech, B.Arch, and B.Sc courses while NITs are known for their B.Tech and B.Arch. courses. These courses are meticulously designed taking into consideration the latest technologies and trends in the relevant field of engineering.

  1. Infrastructure

Most IITs are innovation-oriented where the main focus is on the establishment of multiple research labs to provide better facilities for the students to carry out their research. That’s why  

IITians are students who invent a feasible solution for the nation’s sustainable development. Whereas NITs are productivity-driven institutions that work mostly to understand every aspect of production. Subjects like economics are a significant part of their curriculum.

  1. Placements

Both IITs and NITs are equally important in providing excellent placement opportunities to students due to their strong alumni networking across the globe. Though IT is the main sector where you get most of the placements, the NITs and IITs also provide a lot of job opportunities in other sectors.


In conclusion, we find that both IIT and NIT are equally competent and relevant institutions for engineering students. Admission to IIT requires more comprehensive knowledge compared to the NIT. Both institutes are highly reputed for pursuing higher studies as they impart quality and industry-relevant education to the students. Choosing the right institute depends on your career goals and eligibility. For more information on the right career pathway for your future endeavours talk to the professionals at IIB Career Institute.

IIB has been a renowned name in coaching NEET & JEE (Main & Advanced) aspirants for the last 25 years with a proven track record of success and expert guidance that can pave the path to your success in the competitive examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I choose NIT or IIT?

Answer: Choosing NIT or IIT depends on an individual goal and career prospects. IITs are research-driven institutions that foster innovative youth minds to develop new inventions for global recognition while NITs offer exhaustive academic curricula for excellent knowledge and career growth.

Which is expensive IIT or NIT?

Answer: IITs are more expensive than NITs in terms of tuition fees, accommodation, admission fees, etc.

Does NIT give 100% placement?

Answer: The difficulty level of the NEET exam varies every year. As per the experts, the NEET exam paper’s difficulty lies between moderate to very difficult levels as it is considered one of the highly competitive exams.

What is the main difference between IIT and NIT?

Answer: The main difference between IITs and NITs is in terms of the admission process, fees, placements, scope, and establishment. There are fewer seats in IIT as compared to NITs in India.

Which institutions are known for better research opportunities?

Answer: IITs are well-known for research opportunities while NITs are known for their academic excellence. In IIT studies are based on research work.

Do both IITs and NITs offer similar courses and specialisations?

Answer: Generally, both institutions provide a wide range of specializations and courses. When compared, IITs provide better specialization than NITs.

Is the admission process equally competitive for both IITs and NITs?

Answer: IITs have a more competitive admission process as they require a high percentile in the JEE Advanced examination compared to NITs.

How to Integrate NEET 2025 Syllabus with Board Exam Preparation

Preparing for the 12th board and NEET simultaneously is challenging, but implementing the right strategy and preparation techniques can help you score well. The NEET exam is objective while the 12th Board is subjective. Therefore preparing for both exams requires different strategies. Read the full article to know how to prepare for both exams together.

Tips to Prepare for NEET & 12th Board Together

According to the experts, 50 – 60% of the NEET aspirants crack the exam in their first attempt with the 12th board. This data shows that an effective preparation strategy and proper planning for the study give positive results. To deal with the competitive exam and school a student should be able to divide time appropriately for preparation. Below you can find some useful tips from experts that can help you in the preparation:

Tip #1: Know The Syllabus

The first step before preparation is to understand the syllabus. Students should use the latest NEET and 12th Board syllabus. Learn the topic weightage for each subject and devise the preparation strategy accordingly. Divide the large chunks of complex topics into small and easily coverable sub-topics. Join similar chapters and understand the basic concept such that you can answer any question.

Tip #2: Go Through The Exam Pattern

Understanding the exam pattern before initiating the preparation will help you to know the difficulty level, types of questions, sections in the questions, marking scheme, and unit-wise weightage. NEET & 12th boards have a significant difference in terms of exam pattern. Some of the key differences between

 them are as follows:

ParticularsNEET 12th Board
Type of examObjective-typeSubjective-type
Types of questionsMultiple Choice QuestionsLong answer, short answer and very short answer type questions
Duration 3 hours 20 minutes3 Hours
Marking Scheme+4 For Correct Answer-1 For Incorrect AnswerEach question carries different marks
Negative MarkingYesNo
SubjectsPhysics, Chemistry, BiologyPhysics, Chemistry, Biology, & two optional subjects
Difficulty LevelModerate to HighModerate level

Tip #3: Time Management

Students have limited time to prepare for both exams. Appropriate allocation of time for preparation is crucial to complete the syllabus on time with some time left for revision and reinforcement. Plan your timetable wisely by allocating equal time to each subject with some time left for the revision work. Secondly, prioritise your task, mark high-weightage topics on the top and move on to the low-weightage topics. 

Tip #4: Make Short Notes and Revise Regularly

While understanding the topic make short notes in the form of flashcards, flow diagrams, pictorial representations, or familiar words to learn the topics. Revising the previously covered topics daily will enhance your retention and boost reinforcement. As per experts, revision is the key to success in any exam. 

Tip #5: Practice Previous Year Exam Papers

Once you complete your topics make sure you solve descriptive and objective questions based on the topic to check your understanding. Solve last year’s question papers in a simulated exam environment to check your preparation status and work on the weak topics. This approach will help reduce exam stress and boost confidence by the timely completion of the exam paper.

Tip #6: Focus on Your Health

Don’t forget to take care of yourself while preparing for the exams as you cannot afford any type of illness in this crucial year. Getting adequate sleep, incorporating short breaks between study time, having a balanced diet, and developing a positive attitude towards life will help you remain calm during preparation. Include some time for exercise and meditation too.

Tip #7: Choice of Learning Resources

Whether you are preparing for the NEET exam or Boards, NCERT books are your best learning resources. These books are good for understanding the concepts in all subjects. Resing NCERT biology several times such that you are aware of each line will help you score good marks in NEET and board exams. 

Subject-Wise NEET & 12th Board Preparation


Physics is one of the most challenging subjects for the NEET aspirants and board examination. The questions in physics are mostly based on the derivation of the equation and their application in the form of numerical. Tips for studying physics for NEET & Boards are as follows:

  1. Understand the topic by learning the derivation of formulas. 
  2. Solve as many numerical problems as you can to become an expert in it.
  3. Make flow diagrams to understand the step-based problems.
  4. Practice writing the long answer questions to score well in the board examination.

Download the NEET UG Physics 2024 Solved Question Paper


Though lengthy it is a scoring subject. Learning chemistry is interesting as you learn about many things related to our everyday life. For the board as well as NEET exams learning the periodic table, chain reactions, atomic structure, and formula derivation in physical chemistry is important. Some tips to prepare for NEET and board chemistry are as follows:

  1. Make notes on the periodic table describing the properties of elements.
  2. Solve numerical problems based on the formulas.
  3. Use flashcards to revise chemical formulas.
  4. Regularly practice equation balancing and chain reactions.
  5. Solve different problems such as fill in the blanks, multiple choice questions, match it, etc.

Download the NEET UG Chemistry 2024 Question Paper With Answer Key


Biology is the main subject for the NEET exam as it covers 50% of the question paper. Understanding the concepts and making notes will help you in preparing for NEET & board examinations. Some tips to prepare for NEET and Board biology are as follows:

  1. Make notes of the topics you study and revise them for better retention and reinforcement.
  2. Understand the diagrams as they are important for both examinations.
  3. Practice questions in the form of mock tests, practice tests, and previous year’s question papers.
  4. Solve reason-based questions and find the best solution for them.
  5. Write long paragraphs on the high-weightage topics to prepare for the board exam.

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Preparing for NEET & 12th board is a daunting task but you can achieve the goal with the use of the above discussed tips for the exam preparation. Proper guidance plays an important role in the preparation of the different types of exams. Therefore joining an esteemed coaching institute is paramount in preparation. IIB Career Institute is among the best coaching centres for NEET & 12th boards as the experts at the institute are aware of the intricacies of the subject and help the student to excel in both exams together.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare for NEET and board at the same time?

Answer: Preparing for both exams together is a difficult task but with proper planning, guidance, and preparation strategy, you can ace the exams easily. Understand the exam pattern, know the syllabus and plan accordingly to prepare for NEET & Board simultaneously.

Is NCERT enough for NEET 2025?

Answer: NCERT is good for understanding the concepts and formation of a strong base. But it is not enough for the NEET preparation as you need more vast knowledge and practice. Using the sample papers and reference material.

When should I start preparing for NEET 2025?

Answer: Starting early is beneficial for any student as the syllabus is vast. NEET covers the syllabus for classes 11th & 12th and students in class 12th get overburdened with board exams and NEET preparation simultaneously. Therefore, you should start your preparation from class 11th.

Which board is best for cracking NEET?

Answer: CBSE board is best for cracking NEET because the NEET syllabus is based on the NCERT books followed by the CBSE board.

Is board-level preparation enough for NEET?

Answer: No, the NEET exam is far more difficult than the 12th-board exam. Therefore NEET requires more intensive preparation than the 12th board.

Do you need 75% in boards for NEET?

Answer: To be eligible for NEET students are required to score at least 50% marks for the general category and 45% for the reserved category.

Crack NEET 2025 in Your First Attempt: Top Tips & Strategies

Are you aiming for the NEET 2025 exam? Then you are at the right place as we are going to discuss the latest tips and strategies to ace the exam in the first attempt. NEET is one of the most important examinations for medical aspirants as it is the only way to get admittance to medical courses in India. Thorough preparation and hard work pay off for the NEET exam with a good ranking and score. The right and smart strategy can be paramount for your success. 

Scoring more than 650 should be the target to succeed in the NEET exam in the first attempt. Some people say you should study for at least 10-12 hours to prepare for the NEET exam but experts say that using the time productively when you study will enhance your preparation. The competition is getting extensive so the criteria for looking into the preparation will also change. Read the full article to learn the smart tips and strategies to excel in the exam.

NEET 2025: Preparation Tips & Strategies

  1. Come Up With the Right Strategy

Prepare a timetable with an in-depth analysis of the NEET exam paper, competition level, and syllabus. Examine the objective of the NEET exam. Whether you’re enrolled in a coaching class or self-studying reevaluate your preparation and check you are on the right track.

The first and foremost step for effective NEET preparation is to use an effective preparation strategy which focuses on the latest NEET trends.

  1. Be Answerable to Your Preparation

When you start preparing for the NEET exam you should look into the preparation status from time to time. Check on how well your preparation is going by attempting the practice tests or mock tests under the simulated exam environment. 

Keep track of your strengths and weaknesses and work on their improvement before the time flies. Seek expert help for the complex topics.

Read more on NEET 2025 Preparation Timetable & Study Plan Based on the Syllabus

  1. Stop Mugging Up

Are you using rote learning to prepare yourself for the NEET exam? Then you are making a big mistake. NEET questions are based on the concepts, therefore, understanding the topics is important. Do not mug up the books as it will not help you out. Instead, take short notes while you study to understand the keywords.

  1. Repetition and Revision

Daily revision is essential to recall the concept. Spare some time for revision as it is the key to success. Use flashcards, mind maps, flow diagrams, pictorial representation, etc. Revision and reinforcement are the two crucial components of NEET preparation.

  1. Quality Study Material

Studying from the right books and study material will give you the relevant information for the NEET exam. NCERT books for classes 11th and 12th can be used to understand the concepts while using the sample papers or questions banks will help you in practising the multiple choice questions.

Subject-wise Preparation Tips to Ace the NEET Exam In the First Attempt

The three most important subjects in the NEET exam are Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Each subject varies in nature and hence the preparation for them also varies. Below we have devised the subject-wise preparation strategy for the NEET exam preparation that will help you to succeed in the exam:


For Physics emphasizing the numerical portion is important for medical aspirants as it is one of the most challenging portions for them. Understand the concept, and formula derivation, and practice the numerical problems to hone the skill. 

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Understanding the fundamentals of chain reactions, chemical formulas, chemical structure, and learning the periodic table is very important. Students are recommended to take down the short notes for revision. Solve questions based on them as sometimes the practical questions are asked in chemistry to confuse the students.

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Smart study techniques should be implemented to understand the topics of biology. Use diagrams, flow charts, mnemonics, and pictorial representations to get in-depth knowledge of the subject. Attempt previous year’s exam papers and sample papers to practice the different types of questions in the subject.

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Clearing NEET on the first attempt is challenging, but it is possible with the use of smart study strategies and adequate guidance. Enrolling with a reputed coaching not only provides you a well-structured plan for the exam, it also clarifies all your doubts and makes you understand complex topics easily. IIB Career Institute has 25 years of excellence in NEET coaching and has a proven track record of success. Our team comprises expert teachers in the field of NEET teaching and is committed to providing the latest education to the aspirants to ensure their success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to score 700+ in NEET 2025?

Answer: Understanding the syllabus, focusing on realistic and achievable goals, preparing a timetable, revising and practicing the topics daily, solving previous year’s exam papers, and proper time management are some essential points that will help you to score more than 700.

What is the pattern of the NEET 2025 exam?

Answer: NEET 2025 exam will be based on three main subjects Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. There will be a total of 200 out of them 180 questions are to be answered. Each question carries 4 marks and a negative marking is also there.

Who will conduct NEET 2025?

Answer: The National Test Agency (NTA) will conduct NEET 2025. The exam will be conducted in offline mode for admission to the MBBS, BDS, BHMS, BAMS, and other medical courses in India.

Will the NEET 2025 syllabus be changed?

Answer: The NTA revised the NEET syllabus in 2024, and there is little possibility that they would change it again for NEET 2025. The complete NEET syllabus will be issued alongside the application form.

NEET 2025: Top 5 Must-Know Topics in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics

Candidates must know the high-weightage topics to prepare for the NEET exam as most of the questions will be asked from these chapters. NTA revised the NEET syllabus last year, deleted a few chapters and added some new course-relevant chapters. We have analysed the syllabus and developed the most relevant topics for the NEET 2025 exam that will help you ace the exam with good marks and rank.

Read the full article to learn about the top 5 topics in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, and also find out the weightage of each chapter to make an informed strategy for your preparation.

What to Do Before Igniting the NEET 2025 Preparation

NEET exam consists of the syllabus for classes 11th & 12th Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Before looking for the important topics students should thoroughly understand the syllabus and know the exam pattern. It will help them know how they must prepare for the exam and what questions will be asked. 

Top 5 Chapters in NEET 2025 For Biology

Biology is one of the most important subjects for the NEET exam. It covers 50% of the exam paper. Out of the 720 marks 360 marks are allotted for biology. Therefore, focusing on the important topics will increase your chances of getting good marks in the subject. The top 5 chapters in biology are:

  1. Human Physiology: This chapter has 20% weightage in the NEET question paper. The topic includes Digestion & Absorption, Breathing & Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids & Circulation, Excretory Products, Locomotion & Movement, Neural Control & Coordination & Chemical Coordination. Studying the diagram is important for understanding. 
  2. Genetics and Evolution: This chapter covers 18% of the questions in the NEET question paper. The important topics in this chapter are Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance, Incomplete Dominance, Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance, Sex Determination, Mutation, & Genetic-Disorders.
  3. Diversity in the Living World: It has 14% weightage in the NEET question paper. The topics in this chapter are The Living World, Biological Classification, Animal Kingdom, & Plant Kingdom.
  4. Ecology and environment: It has a 12% share in the NEET question paper. Ecosystem, abiotic and biotic components, and Biological Interactions in an Ecosystem are the important topics in this chapter.
  5. Reproduction: It covers 10% of the NEET question paper. Reproduction in humans, animals and plants is the key topic for this chapter.

Other Chapter Weightage in NEET 2025

The table below shows the other topic weightage in the NEET 2025 question paper

Chapter NameWeightage in Percentage
Cell Structure and Function5%
Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants9%
Plant Physiology6%
Biotechnology & Its Application 3%
Biology & Human Welfare4%

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Top 5 Chapters in NEET 2025 For Chemistry

Chemistry is one of the scoring subjects in the NEET examination. Most of the questions in chemistry are based on concepts. The subject is divided into organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. Practising Numerical, and studying the periodic table and chemical structures are important in scoring good marks in the subject. The top 5 chapters in chemistry are as follows:

  1. Thermodynamics: It has a 9% weightage in the NEET question paper. Most of the questions in chemistry are from this chapter.
  2. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers: The most important chapter in organic chemistry. The chapter weightage is 8% in the exam. The chain reaction and chemical structure are important to learn in this chapter.
  3. Equilibrium: Students should focus on the numerical in this chapter as it comprises 4% of the total questions. 
  4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: It consists of 5% of the total questions. Valency, the octet rule, chemical bonds, etc. are some of the important topics in this chapter.
  5. d and f Block Elements: The periodic table is an important part of chemistry. 4% of questions are asked from this chapter. Focusing on element properties and their applications is important.

Other Chapter Weightage in NEET 2025

The table below shows the other topic weightage in the NEET 2025 question paper

Chapter NameWeightage in Percentage
Basic Concept of Chemistry2%
Structure of Atom3%
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties3%
States of Matter: Gasses and liquids2%
Redox Reactions1%
Chemical kinetics3%
Surface Chemistry1%
General Principles and Processes of Isolation Elements1%
s- Block Elements (alkali and Alkaline earth metals)1%
Some p-Block elements1%
Coordination compounds4%
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes1%
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids3%
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen1%
Chemistry in Everyday Life4%
Environmental Chemistry1%

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Top 5 Chapters in NEET 2025 For Physics

Physics is one of the most challenging subjects for NEET aspirants. The subjects mostly consist of the derivation of formulas and their applications. Therefore understanding concepts and practising is very important. The top 5 chapters in Physics are as follows:

  1. Optics: This chapter deals with ray optics, wave optics, and optical instruments. 10% of the total questions in physics for NEET are from these chapters. Students must prepare for the numerical as it is a crucial part.
  2. Electronic Devices: 9% of the questions in NEET physics come from this chapter dealing with semiconductors. Learning the circuits and their application is important.
  3. Electrostatics: This is the first chapter for class 12th students and comprises 9% of the NEET exam paper. Questions in this chapter are based on electric charge, electrostatic potential, and capacitance. 
  4. Thermodynamics: Studying thermodynamics is important for the NEET exam. 9% of the questions are asked in this chapter. Practising numerical based on heat is important.
  5. Current Electricity: 8% of questions are based on electric current. Understanding the flow of current, circuits, and their applications are important for understanding the current.

Other Chapter Weightage in NEET 2025

The table below shows the other topic weightage in the NEET 2025 question paper

Chapter NameWeightage in Percentage
Physical-world and measurement2%
Laws of Motion3%
Work, Energy and Power4%
Properties of Bulk Matter3%
The behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory3%
Oscillation & Waves3%
Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism5%
Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Current8%
Electromagnetic Wave5%
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation6%
Atoms & Nuclei3%

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Expert Tips to Study Important Chapters

Studying important chapters using the expert’s tips will help you answer well and score good marks in the NEET exam. Here are a few tips from the experts:

  1. Understand the complexity of the topic under expert guidance.
  2. Make short notes and revise them regularly.
  3. Focus on concepts.
  4. Practise mock tests under a simulated exam environment.
  5. Utilize effective time management strategies.
  6. Stay healthy and sleep properly.


Preparing for the important chapter will increase your chance of success in the NEET exam. Regular revision and practice of these chapters will improve your overall score and performance. Expert guidance from a reputed coaching centre will help you in understanding the complex topics and acing in the exam. IIB Career Institute is one of the best NEET coaching institutes in Maharashtra that prepares you for the exam and improves overall performance. Join the elite coaching centre to elevate your performance and score in the NEET exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most important chapters for NEET 2025 Chemistry?

Answer: The most important chapters in NEET 2025 Chemistry are Thermodynamics, Alcohol Phenol & ether, equilibrium, chemical bonding, and d & f block elements. These chapters cover around 40% of the total questions in NEET chemistry.

Can I skip some chapters for NEET?

Answer: Skipping chapters is not good as it will impact your overall score and rank. You should focus on the important chapters, meanwhile studying the less relevant chapters will help you to answer the full paper and score more.

Is the new NCERT applicable for NEET 2025?

Answer: NTA has revised the NEET 2025 syllabus and has reduced the syllabus following the latest NCERT books. To study for NEET 2025 it is important to refer to the latest syllabus and NCERT books.

How to score 720 out of 720 in NEET 2025?

Scoring 720 in the NEET exam is a challenging task. NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) is a highly competitive examination conducted by NTA (National Test Agency) for admission to the undergraduate medical courses in India. Every year lakhs of students appear for the exam but only a few of them make it as the exam is of high difficulty level. Scoring the perfect score on the exam is worthwhile to get into the best medical college in the country. The NEET 2025 will be held in pen and paper mode in the first week of May 2025 in the different examination centres.

In this article, you will learn how to score 720 out of 720 in the NEET 2025 exam and enter a top-notch medical college to achieve your dreams.

Tips to Get a Perfect Score in NEET 2025

Scoring 700+ in NEET is not that easy yet achievable with hard work and dedication. Here are a few tips that can help you score well:

Understand the Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Go through the latest NEET syllabus issued by NTA and get an overview of the topics-wise weightage for each subject. Learn the exam pattern, difficulty level, and types of questions asked in the exam before starting preparation for the exam. Analysing the question paper will help you get an insight into the areas where you need to focus more for the exam preparation. 

Create an Effective Learning Strategy

Once you have understood the syllabus now it’s time to formulate a realistic study plan with achievable goals for an effective preparation of the exam. Here are some tips to set the timetable for the NEET preparation:

  • Allocate appropriate time to each subject as all subjects carry equal marks in the exam.
  • Include short breaks in the timetable to refresh yourself.
  • Set daily and weekly goals and give a reward to yourself once achieved.
  • Set an adequate time for sleeping, getting proper sleep is important for health.
  • Reserve some time for revision.
  • Incorporate the Pomodoro learning technique for an effective learning process.

Utilize NCERT Books

Choosing the right study material is of utmost importance as it will give you the relevant information you will need to excel in the exam. According to the experts, NCERT books are the best study material for NEET preparation. The books are best for understanding the fundamentals. Toppers prefer to read NCERT books several times during the preparation and go through every line for in-depth knowledge.

Build a Strong Foundation with Fundamentals

A thorough grasp of the fundamentals is necessary to build a solid foundation for exploring more complex topics. Seek expert advice to understand the concepts, as they are vital for success in biology and chemistry theory. Furthermore, concept understanding will also help to answer questions more accurately.

Practice and Revise

Precise practise and revision are the only way to remember what you have learnt, there is no shortcut to retain the whole syllabus. Use previous year’s exam papers and solve them under the simulated environment. This will also help in time and stress management. 

Spare some time for revision of the topics which you have studied earlier. Revising the topic you learned last day helps in better retention. Therefore while formulating the timetable keep some space for daily revision.


NEET is one of the prominent exams for medical aspirants. To excel and score a remarkable 720 marks requires rigorous preparation and consistent effort. IIB Career Institute is one of the best NEET coaching centres in Maharashtra preparing students for the last 25 years for the NEET exam which has produced more than 20000 successful NEET candidates so far. The institute is located in Akola, Latur, Chattrapti Shanmabhji Nagar, Kolhapur, and Pune (PCMC, FC Road, and Swargate). Join the elite NEET coaching to increase your chance of success in the NEET exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to get 720 marks in NEET 2025?

Answer: Scoring 720 in the NEET 2025 exam required a thorough understanding of the NEET syllabus. A disciplined learning approach with a focus on solving complex problems, using quality study material, revision, and practising multiple choice questions can help in scoring high.

Is the NEET 2025 syllabus reduced?

Answer: Yes, NTA has revised the NEET 2025 syllabus. The syllabus aligned with the latest syllabus of NCERT classes 11 and 12. To download the latest NEET syllabus you should visit the official website of NEET.

Can I complete the NEET syllabus in 3 months?

Answer: Yes, if you study for 10-12 hours regularly you can complete the NEET syllabus in 3 months. Though the syllabus is vast with an effective preparation strategy and expert guidance you can cover it in 3 months.

How can I memorize Biology fast?

Answer: Understanding Biology and remembering it is a tough task. To improve your memorization skills make short notes, flow diagrams, flashcards, etc. Using these techniques will help in quick revision and more retention.

Which is the easiest subject in NEET?

Answer: The easiest subject in the NEET exam is Biology followed by chemistry. Most of the questions from these two subjects are based on the fundamentals and directly asked. Use NCERT books to excel in these subjects.

How to Avoid Negative Marking in the NEET 2025

NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Exam) is a highly competitive medical entrance exam that assures the fulfilment of your dream as a doctor. The exam is conducted by the NTA (National Test Agency) for admission to medical courses across the country. Negative marking plays a significant role in the total score as you lose one mark for every wrong answer. 

In this article, we will discuss some strategies that will help you to minimise the negative marking in the NEET 2025 preparation and achieve a good rank.

NEET 2025: Marking Scheme

NEET Question paper consists of 200 questions out of which students are required to attempt 180 questions. 50 questions are asked from each subject (Physics, Chemistry, Botany, & Zoology). The detailed marking scheme of the NEET 2025 exam paper is as follows:

Total Number of Questions180
Marks for Each Question 4
Negative Marks-1
Total Marks720

Negative Marking Impact on NEET 2025 Score

The negative marking in the NEET exam will have the following consequences on the overall score:

  1. Reduction in total marks: If you get a wrong answer you will lose one mark for each question which will reduce your overall score and hence the rank. Suppose you attempt 10 incorrect answers then you have to lose 10 marks from your total score.
  2. Impact on the qualifying marks: Negative marking affects not just the final score but also the minimal qualifying marks for admission to medical colleges. Falling short of the required qualifying marks due to deductions from negative markings may limit your chances of being accepted for a medical seat in the best universities.
  3. Wastage of Hard Work: You have worked hard to achieve success in the NEET exam but your hard work will wasted if you lose in attempting wrong answers. Therefore, you should think twice before marking the answers in the OMR sheet while attempting the NEET exam paper.

10 Tested Strategies to Minimise Negative Marking

Know Your Exam Pattern

Familiarise yourself with the latest NEET exam pattern including the type of questions, sections, marking scheme and time duration. Understanding the exam pattern can help you devise a strategy to get a good score and reduce the impact of negative marking.

Read the Question Carefully

Don’t be in a hurry! Read the questions carefully until you understand and can answer them correctly. If you doubt the answer leave it, as it can cost your marks. Take your time and go through the question paper before starting the exam.

Practice for Perfection

Practicing for the NEET is very important. Attempt as many questions as you can to become familiar with the type of questions asked in the exam. Solve previous year question papers, attend mock sessions, and test series to become a pro in solving multiple choice questions. Furthermore, this will help you in the identification of your strengths and weaknesses and overcoming them before the exam.

Avoid Gussess

Don’t answer by guessing it will reduce the overall score. Attempt only those questions for which you are sure the answer is correct. It is better to leave the questions as no marks are deducted for the incorrect answers. 

Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths

Identify the areas where you most probably make mistakes. Work on your weaknesses and turn them into strengths so that the chance of making mistakes can be reduced and hence the impact of the negative marking. 

Time Management

The duration of the NEET exam is 3 hours and 20 minutes. Utilize the time effectively and leave some time for revision. Appropriate time allocation gives you enough time to complete the paper without hassle. To learn time management you must attempt last year’s papers, mock sessions, and test series in the simulated environment.

Seek Guidance

If you are troubled with the negative marking and its impact on your overall marks seek expert guidance from reputed NEET classes and clear your doubts before the exam. The expert tips for answering the multiple choice questions are useful for minimizing the negative marking.

Postpone the Challenging Problems

If you are stuck in between the challenging problem just leave it that time and come back once you finish the whole exam paper. It will save time which can be utilized to earn more marks in the other questions. 

Be Calm

Nervousness can lead to more mistakes. Stay calm and composed while solving the NEET exam paper. With more concentration, you can attempt the paper more effectively and make an informed decision in answering the questions.

Be Informed

It is critical to stay informed of the recent changes and updates to the NEET exam format and syllabus. This will help you prepare for any changes in the exam format and give you a clear picture of what to expect in the exam. This will allow you to reduce the negative impact of inaccurate answers.


NEET is considered one of the most competitive exams for medical students. Preparing for the exam is very important and keeping an eye on the impact of the negative marking can give you good scoring. IIB Career Institute offers NEET classes for 11, 12, and repeaters in all branches Akola, Nanded, Chattrapati Shambhaji Nagar, Kolhapur, Latur, and Pune (Pimpri, FC Road, and Camp). The institute has a team of expert faculty who are capable of handling all the queries and doubts related to the NEET exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to calculate negative marks in NEET?

Answer: It is easy to calculate the negative marks in the NEET exam. Count the total number of questions you answered. Find out the correct and incorrect answers. Allocate 4 marks for every correct answer and deduct 1 for each wrong answer. Add the whole score to get the total marks scored.

Is there a negative marking in NEET 2025?

Answer: Yes, there is a negative marking in the NEET 2025 examination. The candidate will get 4 marks for every correct answer and -1 for every incorrect answer. There will be no marks for unanswered questions.

How can I improve my chances of getting the answers correct in the NEET exam?

Answer: To improve your chances of getting the correct answer practice the multiple-choice questions regularly. Build a strong foundation of the concepts so that you can understand the question well and answer it properly.

Is it better to leave a question blank if I am unsure of the answer?

Answer: Yes, it is the best option to leave the question blank if you are unsure about the answer as there is a 50% probability that your answer might be incorrect and will result in a mark deduction from your total score.

Can I seek help from a tutor or mentor to minimise negative marking?

Answer: Yes, experts can guide you in a better way to answer the multiple-choice questions. They clearly understand the topic and even have some tips that can help you choose the correct option.

NEET 2025 Preparation Timetable & Study Plan Based on the Syllabus

NEET Preparation 2025: Preparing for NEET is a daunting task as it is a highly competitive examination. More than 20 Lakhs of students compete for a handful of seats in the coveted medical colleges around the country. This is a study guide for the NEET 2025 students that will redirect you on the right path for your NEET excellence.

Before initiating the preparation you are required to go through the exam syllabus and get an overview of the topics covered in the NEET exam. Learn more about the exam pattern, question paper structure, topic weightage, and difficulty level. Analyse all the key points and devise your strategy according to the latest update on the NEET syllabus.

Let’s move and learn how to start the exam preparation and tips and tricks from the experts that can elevate your preparation status and increase your chance of success in the exam.

How to Start Your NEET 2025 Preparation?

The early you start the more opportunity you will get. If you are aiming at NEET 2025, you might be in the 12th standard, which is one of the crucial years for any student. Starting your preparation with the 12th board is a tough task as you have to prepare yourself for two different kinds of exams. Though seems to be challenging, it is achievable as most of the students have succeeded in the past with one-year NEET preparation.

Here are a few tips and tricks from the experts for class 12th students to prepare for the NEET and excel in the board exam along with the NEET exam:

  1. Understanding Concepts: The NEET question paper is based on the fundamentals of topics from 11th &12th Physics, Chemistry, & Biology. Therefore mastering the concepts is an important part of the NEET preparation.
  2. Subject-wise Preparation: Equal emphasis on each subject is important. Allocate your time smartly to cover each subject emphasizing the most relevant topics.
  3. Right Study Material: Choose the right study resources as they will impart you with the correct knowledge and relevant information for your exam preparation. NCERT books for classes 11th & 12th in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are the most recommended for NEET preparation. In addition, use sample papers and the latest coaching materials.
  4. Revision: Revising topics regularly improves your retention power and increases your understanding of the topic. Spare some time on revision daily to help cover the entire syllabus. Use mindmaps, flowcharts, flashcards, etc. for effective revision.
  5. Mock Tests: Appear for practice papers and mock tests to know your preparation status. Analyse your strengths and weaknesses and focus on their improvement before the final exam.
  6. Time Management: Learn skills to manage your time and finish the paper on time to reduce exam stress. To improve your speed and accuracy practice paper under a simulated exam environment. It will boost your confidence and improve your performance.
  7. Expert Guidance: Seek guidance wherever or whenever you need to understand complex topics. NEET coaching experts have simplified the complex topics and break them into understandable steps. 
  8. Stay Updated: Get the latest information on the NEET and prepare accordingly. Do not use outdated study material or syllabus as it will misguide you. 

NEET 2025 Preparation: Tips to Devise the Study Plan

The study plan for NEET preparation will not mislead you and guide you on the right track while preparing. Here are some guidelines that will help you in devising the study plan:

  1. Appropriate time allocation for each subject.
  2. Assign realistic and achievable goals on a daily and weekly basis.
  3. Learn using real-time examples to memorise faster.
  4. Understand the basic chapters then move on to the difficult ones.
  5. Seek clarification from mentors immediately in class or coaching sessions.
  6. Actively use effective revision techniques to retain the information you studied earlier.
  7. Practise mock tests and previous year’s papers once you covered the topic.
  8. Identify the time when you are most active and utilize it to focus on challenging tasks.
  9. Take adequate time to rest to stay refreshed.
  10. Develop a positive mindset towards exams and life.

NEET 2025 TimeTable for Effective Preparation

Effective time management skill is the key to success in the competitive examination. Here we have formulated a general timetable that can give an overview of how you can allot time for different activities while preparing for the NEET exam.

NEET 2025 Timetable
6:00 AM- 7:00 AMWake up and refreshing timeTake adequate sleep as your health matters
7:00 AM -8:00 AMDaily revision timeMorning is the best time to memorise as you are fully active at this time
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM Attend SchoolPreparing for boards is also important with the NEET exam
2:00 PM – 3:00 PMRest TimeTaking breaks is good for your health
3:00 PM – 6:00 PMSelf-study or Coaching TimePreparation time for NEET
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Rest TimeTaking breaks is good for your health
7:00 PM – 9:00 PMSelf StudyPreparation time for NEET
9:00 PM – 10:00 PMFamily and dinner timeSpend some time with family to relax
10:00 PM – 6:00 PM Sleep timeAdequate Sleep is important 

Subject-wise NEET Preparation Tips

Every subject in NEET requires a different approach to prepare. Here you can find the detailed subject-wise preparation tips to excel in the NEET exam.


  1. Focus on understanding the fundamentals.
  2. Solve numerical problems associated with the topics to improve your numerical skills.
  3. Prepare flashcards for quick formula revision.
  4. Learn the derivation of the equations to understand the concept behind the equation.
  5. Solve previous year’s papers to familiarize yourself with the questions.

Look at  NEET UG Physics 2024 Question Paper With Answer Key


  1. Practise equation balancing to understand the chemical reactions.
  2. Thoroughly understand the periodic table and its properties.
  3. Derive formulas for organic chemistry as it is an important part of NEET chemistry.
  4. Solve numerical problems based on formulas to prepare for physical chemistry.
  5. Regularly revise chain reactions, chemical equations, and structural formulas.

Look at  NEET UG Chemistry 2024 Question Paper With Answer Key


  1. Go through NCERT books several times to get familiar with topics and concepts.
  2. Learn biological processes by using the flowcharts and diagrams.
  3. Practise questions based on assertion reasoning, match it, fill-ups, etc.
  4. Note down the key terms and revise them regularly.
  5. Use online resources to learn any advancement in the subject.

Look at  NEET UG Biology 2024 Question Paper With Answer Key


Smart preparation is more important than hard work. Therefore utilizing an effective strategy and plan to prepare for the exam is crucial. Joining a reputed coaching institute helps in providing a well-structured preparation plan for the competitive exam.IIB Career Institute is one of the leading NEET coaching centres in Maharashtra with centres at Akola, Nanded, Latur, Kolhapur, Chattrapti Shambhaji Nagar, and Pune (PCMC, Swargate, & FC Road). Join the elite coaching to lead on the path of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many hours should I study for NEET 2025?

Answer: To prepare for any competitive exam 6-8 hours of consistent and focused study is important.

Will NEET 2025 have reduced syllabus?

Answer: The NTA has revised the NEET syllabus and reduced it to a significant amount. However, some chapters are added to make the syllabus more relevant for medical studies. Go through the latest NEET syllabus before starting the preparation.

Is NCERT enough for NEET 2025?

Answer: NCERT books are good for understanding the concepts and preparing for biology. Using the additional resources alongside NCERT books will help to prepare more effectively.

How can I manage stress during NEET preparation?

Answer: Regular exercise, breathing exercises, meditation, time management techniques and smart preparation can help you manage stress during the NEET preparation.

What is the pattern of NEET 2025?

Answer: The NEET 2025 exam will be 3 hours and 20 minutes in duration. There will be two sections for each subject Section A and Section B. Out of 200 questions students are required to attempt 180 questions. The total marks will be 720.

NEET UG Chemistry 2024 Question Paper With Answer Key

Chemistry is one of the most significant subjects for the NEET aspirants, preparing well for the subject can substantially improve your overall performance and ranking. Solving last year’s exam paper with a solid grasp of fundamentals can help you answer the chemistry paper easily. Therefore students should look at the NEET UG 2024 Chemistry question paper to efficiently prepare for the NEET 2025 examination.

NEET 2024 Chemistry Question Paper PDF

A NEET-solved question paper can be an added benefit at the start of preparation. The responses provide informative analyses of various problem-solving approaches and serve to determine the current level of preparation. Students can investigate and appreciate the logic behind each answer using the comprehensive solved question paper provided in the integrated PDF format. 

The answers offered with the question paper are an important tool in revision, putting you ahead of your contemporaries as you become familiar with the questions.

NEET UG 2024 Marks Distribution for Chemistry

The chemistry paper has two sections. Section A has 35 questions (All Compulsory) while Section B contains 15 questions (10 to be attempted) from that section. Therefore a total of 50 questions out of which students are required to attempt 45 questions.  Each question carries 4 marks and one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. No marks will be awarded or deducted for unanswered questions. Furthermore, no marks will be provided for extra-answered questions.

NEET Chemistry Marking Scheme
Number of questionsSection A (35)
Section B (15)
Marks for each correct answer4
Negative Marking for the wrong answer-1
Total Marks180

NEET 2024 Chemistry Question Paper Difficulty Level

As per the exam paper analysis, the NEET UG 2024 Chemistry question paper was easy to moderate for the students who studied from NCERT books and cleared all their concepts under expert guidance. However, Physical Chemistry had more calculation-based questions which proved to be challenging for the students who didn’t practise numerical problems. 

More than 50 percent of the questions lie from an easy to moderate level while only 10 questions have a high difficulty level. A mix of questions includes multiple choice, matching, and reasoning, covering topics in physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry. Students who have focussed on conceptual understanding while preparing for the exam scored good marks in the NEET 2024. Therefore while studying for NEET chemistry students should have a focused approach in conceptual understanding. 

Know More on What’s New in the NEET 2025 Syllabus? Download the Subject-wise PDF

How to Use Previous Year Chemistry Exam Paper for NEET 2025 Preparation

  1. Understanding the Exam format: The previous year’s exam paper provides insight into the exam format, difficulty level, and sorts of questions asked in the exam.
  2. Analyzing Preparation Status: The previous year’s exam paper aids in the evaluation of preparation and the identification of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. They also assist us in improvising our preparation based on the results of the practice paper.
  3. Boosts confidence: Attempting last year’s exam paper and scoring well encourages and boosts confidence.
  4. Time Management: Practicing with the exam paper regularly in a simulated environment helps students gain good time management skills essential for the actual exam.
  5. Topics Sorting: Candidates can identify high-priority topics by analyzing question trends. This aids in strategic planning and ensures that the resources are spent on areas more important in the NEET exam.
  6. Adapting to Question Variations: The question frameworks in NEET Previous Year Question Papers may vary. Completing a variety of practice questions helps applicants become more adaptable on test day by preparing them for a wide range of question formats.
  7. Reduce Exam Anxiety: Knowing the format and sorts of questions will help you feel less anxious on exam day. Applicants who have carefully studied previous papers typically appear for the NEET exam feeling more composed and confident.


NEET UG 2024 Chemistry solved question paper is an important tool for devising the preparation strategy for the examination. Chemistry is a significant part of the NEET exam and getting the solved exam paper of chemistry for the NEET can help in improving the overall score and ranking. Expert guidance is essential for learning the intricacies of the subject therefore seeking admission to the top NEET classes for exam preparation is essential. Join the elite NEET coaching centre IIB in Maharashtra and initiate your NEET success journey with expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

How was the 2024 NEET question paper?

Answer: The exam paper difficulty level for the NEET 2024 question paper varies from easy to moderate. The biology section was the easiest, whereas the chemistry and physics questions required conceptual understanding.

Who is eligible for the NEET exam?

Answer: To be eligible for the NEET exam a candidate must have passed class 12th in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology or is appearing for the 12th exam in the same year.

Is there a negative marking in the NEET exam?

Answer: Yes, one mark is deducted for every incorrect answer or answer with multiple options checked in the sheet. Therefore students should precisely understand the questions before answering them.

What is the latest syllabus for the NEET exam?

Answer: NEET 2025 syllabus covers the latest 11th and 12th CBSE syllabus. NTA updated the NEET syllabus in 2024. Some emissions and additions were made to the syllabus. To get the latest syllabus candidates must check the official website of NTA.

Will NEET 2025 have descriptive questions?

Answer: Yes, in one year you can clear the NEET exam, even if you start from zero level. Expert teachers for NEET preparation can help you out in completing the syllabus while understanding the concepts and their application.

What is the total number of questions in NEET?

Answer: There are 200 questions in the exam paper, out of which students are required to answer 180 questions. In Section A all questions are compulsory for each subject whereas in Section B out of the 15 questions candidates are required to attempt only 10 questions.