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Tag: Study Physics for NEET Examination

Master NEET Physics: 10 Proven Tips for Exam Success

Is Physics troubling you in NEET preparation? No need to worry, we are here to help you with expert-proven tips to help you master the Physics for the NEET exam.

NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Exam) is one of the most competitive medical entrance exams conducted by the NTA (National Test Agency) for admission to the top medical colleges across the country. The exam is the only gateway to chase the dream of becoming a doctor from a top-notch medical college. 

The NEET exam paper comprises Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Many students struggle with learning and preparing for the physics section. However, if you know how to study Physics properly, the subject can be interesting to study. Read the full article and learn Physics to ace the NEET.

Tips to Study Physics for NEET

Here are some expert-proven tips that will help you  study Physics and let you shine in the NEET exam:

  1. Focus on Fundamentals

To understand complex and advanced topics it is important to form a solid foundation by learning the fundamentals. Topics such as optics, and thermodynamics become easy to comprehend if you understand the fundamentals behind them. Once you are hands-on with the basics you can easily grasp the complex topics.

  1. Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Learning Physics is not just confined to the understanding of the basics, its real essence lies in its application in the form of problems or numerical. Start with the easy problems and once you can solve them move towards complex ones. Practice more problems to increase your speed and accuracy level.

  1. Solve Previous Year’s Papers

Have a look at the previous year’s exam papers to get an insight into the types of questions and difficulty level of the exam. Solve these exam papers and practice such types of problems for full preparation. If you are not able to solve them, seek expert guidance.

  1. Look for Expert Guidance

Understanding Physics is not like making a cup of tea. You will require an expert teacher who can make you understand the concepts, make the complex things easier to grasp, and improve your problem-solving skills. 

  1. Choose the Right Study Material

Do not refer to a pile of books, instead take some good and relevant books. More books for reference can confuse you so it is advisable to use only one or two books for understanding theory and others for solving numerical problems. Some good books for NEET Physics are NCERT, H C Verma’s Concept of Physics, Objective Physics by Pramod Agarwal, and D. C. Pandey’s Objective Physics.

  1. Practice Deriving Formulas

Physics is all about deriving formulas using basic concepts and calculations. Once you hone this skill you can easily solve any problem in this subject. Therefore, practising to drive formulas will help you retain it for a long time.

  1. Effective Time Management

Time is very crucial while attempting any exam. Allocate equal time for each subject while preparing for the NEET exam. Make a realistic timetable and adhere to it strictly. While solving the papers ensure that you complete it on time so that you do not panic during the main exam. Learn effective time management skills and implement them while NEET preparation

  1. Regular Revision

Revision plays a significant role in the NEET preparation as the repetition helps in better retention. Leave some time for revision once you complete the syllabus. In addition, revise the old topics regularly as it will help you to remember for a long time. The revision also helps in identifying weak points and avoiding last-minute mistakes.

  1. Appear for Mock Test

Join NEET coaching where you can appear for the mock tests under simulated exam conditions to check the status of your preparation. These tests will also help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and work on them for effective exam preparation.

  1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Overloading yourself might be affecting your health. Take small breaks in between your study sessions. Consume a well-balanced diet high in nutrients and vitamins. Drinking plenty of water, exercising, and spending time with friends and family will help you rejuvenate, stay motivated, and build a positive attitude while preparing.


Mastering Physics for the NEET exam can be achieved by using the above-discussed expert tips. You can easily create interest towards learning the subject by understanding concepts, practising problems, and attempting last year’s exam papers. IIB is one of the best NEET coaching centres in Maharashtra and offers NEET classes for grades 11, 12, and repeaters. The institute has a proven track record of producing successful NEET aspirants with expert faculty and comprehensive study materials. It is located at Akola, Chatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Latur, Kolhapur, Nanded, and Pune (Pimpri, FC Road, and Camp).

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I increase my Physics score in NEET?

Answer: Increase your NEET Physics score by completely understanding concepts, practising regularly, solving previous year’s questions, obtaining clarification on doubts, and focusing on weaker areas. Choosing the right study materials and sticking to a well-organized study schedule can boost your NEET score.

How to score 180 out of 180 in NEET Physics?

Answer: A perfect score in NEET Physics can be achieved by mastering all the concepts, practising problems with consistency and accuracy, joining a study group or classes, revising the entire syllabus, and sticking to the timetable you have prepared for the NEET preparation.

What is the best way to master Physics?

Answer: Physics can be mastered by utilising the right study material to understand the concepts, practising last year’s exam papers, solving numerical problems, choosing the correct guidance, doubt clarification, and improving your weaker areas.

What are the highest-scoring chapters of Physics in NEET?

Answer: Some of the highest-scoring chapters of Physics in NEET are Mechanics, Electrostatics, Optics, Modern Physics, and Thermodynamics. Understanding these chapters can help you score good marks in the NEET Physics section and improve your overall rank.

How can I memorize Physics fast?

Answer: You can memorise Physics by using techniques such as rote learning, understanding the formula derivation, practising the problems, using memory techniques such as mnemonics, sticking flashcards, using flow diagrams, and other interactive learning techniques.

Which is the easiest chapter in NEET Physics?

Answer: The easiest chapters to learn in Physics are Modern Physics, Thermodynamics, Current electricity, Heat and Thermodynamics, and Semiconductors. These are easy to understand and score too. If you can thoroughly understand these topics then you can score good marks in NEET exams.

Which institute is the best NEET coaching in Maharashtra?

Answer: IIB is one of the Best NEET coaching institutes in Maharashtra. It offers NEET classes for 11th, 12th, and repeaters students. In addition, the institute also offers NEET foundation courses for 8th, 9th, and 10th students. IIB also provide online NEET classes through its App-based learning program.

Where are IIB centres located in Maharashtra?

Answer: IIB has 8 centres across the state of Maharashtra, located at, Akola, Chatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Latur, Kolhapur, Nanded, and Pune (Pimpri, FC Road, and Camp).