Tag: NEET 2024

NEET 2024 OMR Sheet Instructions: Exam Pattern Guide

The NEET 2024 exam is going to be held on May 5, 2024, under the NTA administration. To score well in the exam candidates should know how to fill out the OMR sheet as it can make a tangible difference in the score.

In this article, we will learn how to fill the OMR sheet correctly and make a smart move to score well in the NEET 2024 exam.

What is an OMR Sheet?

During the NEET examination, an OMR sheet and the exam paper will be provided to the candidates. All the answers are to be filled in the OMR sheet. A copy of the sheet with the answers marked by the candidate on the day of the examination will be available on the NTA official website and can be downloaded from the link provided by the NTA.

Candidates will get the specified time to challenge the answer sheet. A non-refundable fee of ₹200 is to be paid for the challenge for each answer. Student can challenge if their answers are incorrect or invisible in the OMR sheet.

NEET 2024 OMR Sheet Important Dates

The table below describes the important dates for the NEET 2024 OMR sheet. Candidates should note down the details for future reference 

EventImportant Dates
NEET Exam 2024May 5, 2024
NEET Answer KeyJune 2024 (tentative)
NEET OMR Sheet AvailabilityJune 2024 (tentative)
Challenge to Answer KeyJune 2024 (tentative)
Result DeclarationJune 2024 (tentative)
Commencement of Counselling 2024July 2024 (tentative)

How to Fill the NEET 2024 OMR Sheet?

NEET OMR sheet should be filled out carefully so that you do not lose marks due to wrong answers. Here are some important instructions to keep in mind while filling out the OMR Sheet:

  1. Use only a black or blue ballpoint pen to darken the circle. Pencils or gel pens are not allowed.
  2. Read the instructions carefully before filling out the OMR sheet.
  3. Darken the circle completely for the correct answer.
  4. Do not fold or wrinkle the OMR sheet. Always keep the sheet on a flat surface.
  5. Fill out all the details in the OMR sheet correctly.
  6. Do not write anything on the sheet except the details asked.

How to Fill the NEET OMR Sheet?

The OMR Sheet is read by a computer, so it is critical to darken all of the circles properly and thoroughly so that the computer can appropriately analyze it.

Information to be filled on the OMR Sheet

  1. Roll Number: A 10-digit number space is provided to enter the roll number in the OMR sheet. Enter the roll number correctly and darken the circle corresponding to it carefully.
  2. Test Booklet Number: A 7-digit test booklet number is to be written and darkened correctly in the OMR sheet.
  3. Names: Write the name, father’s name, and mother’s name in the running handwriting in the name column box provided.
  4. Answering: do not choose multiple options for one answer as only one option is correct. Darken the circle properly so that the computer can read it properly.
  5. Sheet Verification: Match the verification code of the OMR answer sheet and test booklet. In case of a mismatch contact the invigilator immediately.
  6. Declaration: Candidate must sign the declaration in running handwriting.

How to Mark Answers Correctly on NEET OMR Sheet 2024?

NEET UG 2024 is a pen-and-paper exam where candidates answer the questions by darkening the OMR sheet. Some guidelines to fill the answer correctly on the OMR sheet are as follows:

  1. Darken the circle completely: while answering the question cover the entire circle with a black or blue ballpoint pen. If you leave an incomplete circle it may be considered an incorrect answer.
  2. Mark only one answer: each question has only one correct answer. Multiple answering is considered as an incorrect answer. Hence, mark only one circle for each answer.
  3. Avoid stray marks: candidates should not put any kind of stray mark on the sheet as the sheet will be detected by the computer and using the marks can be considered as an incorrect answer.
  4.  No change in answer: According to the NEET 2024 exam pattern candidates are required to answer once no change in the answer is allowed. Therefore, candidates must review twice before marking the final answer on the OMR sheer.
  5. Use only rough space: Rough work or calculations should be done in the space provided. Do not use an answer sheet to do rough work.

How to Download NEET OMR Sheet?

After the NEET 2024 exam, NTA will release the answered OMR sheet on its website. The steps to download the response OMR sheet are as follows:

  1. Login to the NEET official website when the response OMR sheet is available.
  2. Use your credentials to log in to your account.
  3. Click on the “response answer sheet” link.
  4. Click on the “view/challenge” answer sheet to view the scanned image.
  5. Check the NEET question paper code and other details in the answer sheet.

How to Challenge NEET 2024 Response OMR Sheet?

The steps to challenge the NEET 2024 response OMR sheet are as follows:

  1. Visit the NEET official page NTA  at neet.ntaonline.in.
  2. Log in to your account using the credentials.
  3. Select the tab saying ‘challenge OMR sheet’.
  4. Select the question you would like to challenge.
  5. Review your challenged questions and submit them.
  6. Pay the challenge fees of ₹ 200/- per question (non-refundable).
  7. Take the printout of the OMR Sheet challenge.

NEET 2024: Exam Pattern

The NEET 2024 exam pattern is the same as the previous year. There will be 200 questions out of which students are required to attempt 180 questions. The exam paper is divided into four sections: Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. Each question carries 4 marks and one mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.


IIB Career Institute is one of the leading NEET and JEE coaching centres in Maharashtra offering NEET and JEE classes for 11, 12, and repeaters to excel in these highly competitive exams. The institute carries a legacy of 25 years of excellence in education and is located at Latur, Chattrapati Shambhaji Nagar, Akola, Nanded, Kolhapur, and Pune (FC Road, Camp, and PCMC).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the correct procedure for filling out an OMR sheet?

Answer: Use only black and blue ballpoint pen to darken the circles of the OMR sheet. Completely darken the circles as partially coloured circles are not read by the software or can be marked as an unanswered or incorrect answer.

What happens if we mark two options in the OMR sheet?

Answer: In the NEET exam, every question has only one correct answer. If you mark two options for a question it will be considered a wrong answer and give you negative marks. It is very important to mark the answers carefully in the OMR sheet.

How do you correct the wrong answer on an OMR sheet?

Answer: If you are using a pen mark the answers in the OMR sheet. Then there is no way you can change your answer as whitener or pen eraser are not allowed on the OMR sheets. It is advisable to check twice before marking any answer in the OMR sheet.

What is the official NEET 2024 marking scheme?

Answer: For every correct answer student will get 4 marks while for an incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted. While no marks are given for the unanswered question. NEET 2024 includes a negative marking system, thus while answering questions, only answer questions you are confident about.

NEET 2024 Exam Date (May 5)- Your Complete Guide to Registration and Preparation

NEET 2024 will be administered by the National Test Agency (NTA) on May 5th for admission to MBBS, BDS, Ayush, and other medical and par-medical courses across India. The application form will be available from March 2024 (tentative) and results will be announced in the second week of June. NEET is a national-level exam conducted once a year and is a very important exam for medical aspirants. Here in this article, we will learn about NEET registration and how to prepare effectively for the NEET examination.

NEET 2024 Highlights

Name of ExaminationNational Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET)
Conducting BodyNational Test Agency (NTA)
Purpose of ExamAdmission to Undergraduate Medical Courses
Eligibility10+2 in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
Minimum Age17 years
Type of ExamOffline 
Exam FeesINR 1,700 (General), 1,600 (OBC), 1,000 (Reserved category candidates), 9,500 (Foreign Nationals)
Exam DateMay 5, 2024
Exam Duration3 hours 20 minutes2 PM to 5:20 PM
Total Number of Questions200 (180 to be attempted)
Marking Scheme+4 for every correct answer-1 for every incorrect answerNo marks are deducted for unanswered questions
Number of Exam Language13
Exam Languages English, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Punjabi and Telugu
Official Websiteneet.nta.nic.in

What is NEET?

NEET or National Eligibility cum Entrance Test is the sole gateway for admission to medical courses in India. The test is administered by the National Test Agency (NTA) to check the eligibility of candidates for pursuing a medical course. The exam is conducted yearly in offline mode for 3 hours and 20 minutes. Approximately 18 lakhs of students appear for the exam every year making it more competitive. Therefore, rigorous preparation is worthwhile to excel in the NEET exam.

NEE 2024 Important Dates

The table below defines the important dates of the NEET 2024 examination:

Application Process Commencement1st week of March – 1st week of April 2024 
Correction of DetailsApril 2024
Admit Card4th week of April
Exam DateMay 5, 2024
Answer Sheet Release1st week of June
Result Declaration4th week of June

NEET 2024 Application Process

The NEET application form will be available online in the fourth week of January 2024. Aspirants who want to take the NEET 2024 must complete the registration process by filling out the application form online and submitting it together with the required application fee. Candidates must go to the official website neet.nta.nic.in to fill out the necessary information and upload required documents such as photographs, signatures, and papers in the given format. Furthermore, applicants can pay the online fee via online payment methods, using credit/debit cards, net banking, UPI, and Paytm. The NEET 2024 application window will most likely open for a month, after which the NTA will provide a rectification facility.

The detailed step-by-step application process is as follows:

Step 1: Go to the NEET UG registration website

Step 2: Under the Apply online option, select New Registration

Step 3: Carefully read the instructions

Step 4: Tick the checkbox and select the proceed option

Step 5: Complete the registration form

Step 6: Enter the security pin and press the submit button

Step 7: Make a note of the application number

Step 8: Fill out the application form

Step 9: Upload the necessary documents

Step 10: Pay the application fees online

Step 11: Print out the application form

NEET 2024 Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the NEET application process the candidate must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age Criteria: The candidate must be 17 years of age on 31st December 2023 to fill out the application form. Therefore, candidates born on or before December 31, 2007, can fill out the application form.
  2. Nationality: Candidates must be Indian nationals, NRIs, OCIs, PIOs, or foreign nationals.
  3.  Education: The students who have passed class XII in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry with a minimum of 50% (40% for reserved category) can apply.
  4. Students appearing for the class XII examination in 2024 can also apply for NEET.

How to Download the NEET 2024 Application Form?

After the submission of the application form, the next step is to look for the admit card. The step-by-step guide for downloading the NEET 2024 admit card is as follows:

Step 1: Visit the NEET official website

Step 2: Look for the admit card news in the latest news section

Step 3: Click the link to download the admit card

Step 4: Login using your credentials

Step 5: Check the admit card details 

Step 6: Download and take the printout of the admit card

NEET 2024 Exam Syllabus

The NEET syllabus 2024 has undergone significant modifications. NTA issued the NEET 2024 syllabus PDF on November 22, which was previously released by NMC (National Medical Commission) on its official website. According to the NTA, providing the updated NEET curriculum PDF before the information brochure or application form will allow students to better plan their preparation. A few chapters or topics have been eliminated from all three courses, while others have been added.

Download NEET 2024 Updated Syllabus 

NEET Exam Pattern 2024

The NEET 2024 will be in offline mode at the allotted exam centre by the organising committee. The test duration will be 3 hours and 20 minutes from 2 PM to 5:20 PM. There will be 200 questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics out of which students are required to answer 180 questions. All questions will be objective type i.e. multiple choice questions and are to be answered in the provided OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate response carefully.

Each subject will have two sections Section A comprising 35 questions and Section B has 15 questions. In section B students are required to attempt 10 questions. In addition, 4 marks will be given for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for the wrong answer. However, no marks will be either deducted or granted for unattempted questions.

The final exam pattern will be known after the release of the information brochure. It is expected that the exam pattern can change after the modifications in the syllabus.

NEET 2024 Results

The result will be announced in June 2024 (tentative). The students can go to the official website and enter their credentials to find out the results. The students can download the results for future purposes. 

Exam DateMay 5, 2024
Result Date2nd week of June
Downloading of ResultThe download is allowed up to 90 days after the result declaration
Details in Score CardName of CandidateSubject-wise scoreTotal ScorePercentile ScoreAIR rankCut-off
NEET Counseling Starting The first counselling session starts in the last week of July (tentative)

NEET 2024 Counselling

Counselling for NEET 2024 is likely to begin in the fourth week of July 2024. Candidates who pass the exam with the cutoff marks are eligible to participate in the counselling process. The NEET counselling procedure will be divided into two categories: 15% All India Quota (AIQ) seats and 85% State Quota (SQ) seats. The Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) will conduct AIQ seat counselling, while the state counselling agencies will be under the Directorates of Medical Education for various states. For more details visit the official website.

How to Prepare for NEET 2024?

Some of the relevant tips to prepare for the NEET exam efficiently are as follows:

  1. Go through the syllabus and exam pattern carefully.
  2. Devise a realistic study plan as per the topic and subject weightage.
  3. Use NCERT books and other good reference books for concept clearance and better understanding.
  4. Seek expert guidance to get a deep insight into the subject.
  5. Keep some time for revision.
  6. Solve previous year’s exam papers and join mock test sessions.
  7. Take care of your health with a healthy diet and proper sleep.


The NEET registration process will start in March with the exam in May. You still have time to prepare and revise the syllabus. Start your NEET preparation and elevate it with IIB courses. IIB is one of the best NEET coaching centres in Maharashtra located at Akola, Chatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Latur, Nanded, Kolhapur, and Pune (PCMC, Camp, and FC Road). Revamp your preparation and join hands with experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are NCERT books enough to complete the NEET syllabus?

Answer: Yes, NCERT is sufficient for getting hands-on with the concepts and understanding the fundamentals. However, for additional practice with the numerical and MCQs, you can use some good reference books and sample papers.

How to prepare for the NEET exam and get a good rank?

Answer: To prepare for the NEET exam, the ideal time is starting from class XI. Consistent study, strong determination, and the right choice of study material & guidance are some of the key factors that can help in effective preparation and score good marks in the exam.

Has NEET 2024 registration started?

Answer: The registration of NEET 2024 will start in March. NTA will issue a notification stating the details about the application process, admit card, and other important information. However, the NTA has released the exam date and the NEET exam will be held on May 5, 2024.

Which chapter is very important for NEET?

Answer: Ecology in biology is considered one of the most important chapters as approximately 12-15 questions are asked about this topic and can be answered easily if the candidate has understood the concepts of biology.

Is NEET online or offline in 2024?

Answer: NEET 2024 will be in offline mode. The exam will be conducted at the allotted exam centres for 3 hours and 20 minutes. NEET is considered to be the toughest exam as it is the only exam for admission to different medical courses across the country.

NEET 2024: Cut-off Marks vs. Qualifying Marks

Are you preparing for the NEET 2024? Then you must be wondering how many marks are required to pass NEET. To be eligible for counseling, a candidate must obtain a certain number of points. All this you will get to know after reading this blog post.


NEET 2024

The National Test Agency (NTA) will conduct the NEET exam in 2024. Once the exam is over, the candidates are eager to know the different marks such as qualifying marks, cut-off marks, pass marks, etc. to know their eligibility in the counseling session.

 NEET 2024 Details

Exam Conducting AgencyNTA (National Test Agency)
Examination DateMay 2024 (tentative)
SubjectsPhysics, Chemistry, Biology
Number of Questions200
Number of questions to be Attempted180
Exam Duration3 hrs. 20 min.
Total Marks720
Marking Scheme+4 for every correct answer-1 for every wrong answer

NEET Qualifying Marks

Pass-out marks or qualifying marks are the same. If you’ve been thinking differently, qualifying marks are not the same as cut-off scores. Qualifying marks are the marks required to be selected for the NEET counseling procedure. There is a widespread misperception that qualifying marks are 50% of the NEET score, i.e., half of 720=360, which is completely false. 

The qualifying marks are the 50th percentile of the total marks. It means that you are among the top 50% of the candidates who appeared for the NEET exam and are eligible for the counseling session. It changes every year.

From the previous year, we found that the qualifying marks for the NEET 2024 will lie between 138 to 720 for the general category and from 138 to 108 for the reserved category candidates.

General Category Expected Qualifying MarksLies between 720 to 138
Reserved Category Expected Qualifying MarksLies between 138 to 108

How you can score your NEET marks

The candidate can check their score by allotting 4 marks for each correct answer and deducting 1 mark for each wrong answer. Therefore, you can calculate your NEET score as follows:

NEET score= 4* no. of questions answered correctly – 1* no. of questions answered wrong.

Once you get the score in NEET 2024 exam now you can find where you stand by understanding the cut-off marks.

NEET 2024 Cut-off Marks

The NEET cutoff is the number that truly helps you get into medical college. It denotes the minimal qualifying percentage that applicants must achieve in order to be admitted. To be eligible for counselling, one must pass the NEET cut-off. A score above the NEET cut-off will help you get a seat. Every year, cut-offs are subject to vary based on several parameters such as the number of candidates that apply, the difficulty level, and much more.

The cut-off marks will be released by NTA after the NEET 2024 results. However, we are sharing here the cut-off of NEET 2023 to give you an idea of how many marks you will need to land in a reputed medical college

CategoryQualifying CriteriaNEET Cut-off 2023
General Category50th Percentile720-137
OBC40th Percentile136-107
SC/ST40th Percentile136-107
Other reserve Categroies40th Percentile120-108


By knowing the difference between the pass marks and cut-off marks you can easily make your strategy to prepare for the NEET 2024 exam. Make sure you take expert advice for your preparation as they can guide you to achieve a good score in the NEET exam and excel in NEET 2024.
IIB a renowned coaching centre in Maharashtra has its coaching centre in Nanded, Pune, Latur, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Akola, and Kholoapur. The institute excels in NEET coaching with a legacy of 23 years in medical education.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the minimum marks required in NEET for MBBS?

Answer: The officials announce the NEET cut-off based on the factors such as difficulty level, number of candidates taking the NEET, and so on. It varies every year. The cut-off is different for various categories such as reserved, unreserved, and so on. It is the minimal NEET score that students must achieve in order to qualify for NEET. If you wish to enroll in an esteemed medical college you should keep a target of a minimum of 650 scores in the NEET exam.

Are NEET 2024 Cut-Off and NEET 2024 Qualify Marks same?

Answer: No, these two are different things. The NEET qualifying marks are the minimum marks a candidate should score in order to be eligible for counseling whereas the NEET 2024 cut-off will be the percentile score the candidate will require to get a good seat in the medical college.

What are the expected NEET Cut off marks for 2024?

Answer: The expected cut-off for NEET 2024 will lie between 707-115 for the general category and 133-98 for the reserved category.

What is the pass mark for the NEET exam?

Answer: The Pass Mark for NEET is 720-138 for the General category, 137-108 for SC/ST/OBC, 137-122 for General PwD, and 121-108 for SC/ST/OBC-PwD. The pass marks are in the much lower slide as compared to the cut-off marks for the NEET 2023.